Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bridge of Possibilities

It has been a long time since I have last blogged. I have been thinking of ways to remove the smudge of politics upon making a piece. But until now politics has never left my thought. Maybe because I learned so much in this past election. And I know I have given all my efforts to support a wonderful cause. Anyways, to divert my senses from it, I tried to remember some wonderful stories that has given me the paint, brushes and means on how to make life colorful instead of the ordinary black and white. Maybe you know this story but I will tell anyways.

There are two young lovers who is so committed to each other. Since they are from different schools, they rely on their cellphones to bridge their communications. They graduated college and haven't change their sim cards since the time they met. They have different line of work but still they continuously text and call each other. Day and night. But one day, while the girl was on a trip and now going back to the Philippines, the guy has met his demise, died of a car accident. He was buried right away so that the people who visit him at his wake wouldn't have a gruesome image of the guy. Since the guy treasured the cellphone so much, they bury it with him. The girl wasn't aware of the unfortunate event since she is on a trip. After three days of rest, she went and tried to surprised the guy at his home. The mother greeted her in a very grieving mood. She told the girlfriend that the boyfriend died and was buried right away. The girl laughed and said that the boyfriend is trying to pull up a prank, even conniving with his mother. So what the mother did was to show her the photos of the wake and the accident scene. The girl didn't believe it and told the mother that they were just talking to each other last night. It is impossible the mother said. But suddenly the girlfriend's cellphone rang and to their horror, her boyfriend's number was flashing on the screen. At first, they were hesitant but still the girl answered the phone, uses the handsfree so that the mother could listen as well. They heard boyfriend's voice and told her about what his mother have said. The boyfriend confirmed that he indeed is dead and said "Mommy, Honey, don't worry. I am okay here with Saint Peter. Totoo pala, malakas talaga ang signal, Making Great Things Possible... Globe."

You can tell me that it is corny but still that joke made me smile. The truth is I told you that story to share you my insights on what has happened to me this past few days. I was at the hype of the election. For one year I have spend right amount of time researching about each presidentiables so that I may know who will I go for. A month later, I voluntarily campaign for someone who I believe is the right man for the highest national position. He never won the presidential race. He conceded and congratulated the winner early as what he has promised to do. Heartbreaking. But hey, I realized that yes, he didn't won the election, but with what he has done, he has won the respect, trust, and admiration of the majority. That is a landslide victory. Presidents cannot command trust, honor, and respect from his constituents. Only the people can give it to the rightful person. After loving the voluntary campaign, going through gruesome defeat, I know what I have learned bridge me over to a higher level of knowing. What I learned is that experiences should never be forgotten because ugly or not, it escalates you to a higher level. Great things will continue because my candidate will pursue his plans for the nation even in his lesser level of political responsibility. After the gruesome mud slinging in the election period, we achieve not the presidential office, but the nation's heart, trust and confidence. This blog is not meant to promote a brand or something. I just used this idea for all us to be reminded that after dedicated hardwork, great things are all possible.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Akala Mo...

It was I think early 2009 that an advertisement by Senator Manny Villar was aired for the purpose of knowing him further instead of jumping into an early conclusion. The jungle was titled AKALA MO. It is quite obvious that Filipinos do jump to conclusions. My basis is that Filipinos do love gossips or chismis. The past election was full of colors, dark ones I must say. I'll be frank, it is actually not hard for me to accept my candidate Sen. Manny Villar lose this election. What is making this Presidential run a heartache is that I see my candidate being ganged up by all of his opponents, hammering him by issues which are definitely half truths if not a total lie. Imagine, everybody's throwing something on him, Jamby, Erap, Gordon, and especially Noynoy. Villar isn't the one who throw the first mud. He actually try to be cool about the situation.

C-5. People believe that it is a project into which Sen. Villar earned so much, a corruption they say. Why does the case did not prosper? He would definitely have been put in jail with this issue. Why does his accusers haven't brought this thing up to the Supreme Court or the Ombudsman? We know that they are not stupid, they are wise enough not to pursue the case against him not because they lack of evidence, it is simply because there is actually no evidence at all, no case at all. The C-5 road is a project in which a group of subdivisions not only owned by Vista land but it's competitors as well have their owned roads that are accessible to C-5, these roads are not part of C-5. All properties have documents proving they are of Zonal values, legal values. No over pricing. They even haven't paid Vista Land for any right of way. They included the roads accessible to C-5 as part of the Highway. So what's to accuse about this issue? There is a private corporation developing the first C-5. Yes it is true, with a high toll fee that won't be affordable to a low level earning Filipino. It is the government's task to provide roads free of charge. It is what our taxes are for. There is no double insertions. There is actually to parts that should have a budget allocated, you won't mix budget if you are a good budget manager. The budget for this two parts should be independent from the other, otherwise it the budget will be mishandled. The Budget was approved by the Senate's Finance committee whose members are also Villar's accusers. If they approve it, they should also be accused of corruption. Those accusers are intelligent indeed knowing that most of the people will just believe in whatever dirty politics they say. People believe in what we called "maling akala."

Villar isn't really poor in origin is one of the stupidest gossips that I ever heard. Nakaligo ka na ba sa dagat ng basura, he does. After living in a room apartment in Moriones, Tondo, and since he have a huge family, his father loaned from GSIS so that they can afford to buy a house beside Smokey Mountain. So definitely when it rains, it floods, a mixture of water and garbage. We at the depress area were not new with the "dagat ng basura." He studied in a parochial school intended to educate poor children. This school is now a private school. While his brother his dying, like what everybody will do, you will not worry about how much a good medical service costs, you worry that later, you just give him the best just to make sure he lives. Unfortunately, his brother didn't make it. Funeraria Paz just service the body but the wake was made in their own house. It won't be that costly since they didn't do it in Funeraria Paz'es Chapel. It doesn't mean that when you are a businessman you are rich. Even the Takatak vendors on the street are businessmen. They just bought two pails of small shrimps and sold it in Divisoria. Since Christmas Eve is a time of buying your ingredients for the your Christmas delights, they definitely spend their time selling on streets. Nagpasko sila sa gitna ng kalsada. Again, people doesn't know because they are contented to hearsays instead getting the truth by themselves. Akala na naman.

Villaroyo? Ows come on! Another black propaganda saying that Manny Villar is the secret candidate of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. The people easily believed it, for whatever stupid reason that I cannot ponder. Let us have a quick review from the past. Manny Villar is the person fast tracked his impeachment, he was the House Speaker back then. After sometime, Arroyo came to power. Again, another impeachment issue but now against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Hello Garci and ZTE scandals were both being pushed through by Senator Villar but, on the other hand, Congressman later turned Senator Noynoy Aquino voted on the Arroyo's favor. Better read this article: http://100araw.com/gloriarroyo-hello-garci-and-luisita-206 You can definitely concluded that they do have connivance, thus betraying public trust. Who is now Arroyo's candidate? Wait, I mean candidates. Aside from Gilbert Teodoro, Senator Dick Gordon is another presidentiable who gain much of Arroyo's favors. Indeed he did great regarding Subic but it is not actually a work of that single man who claimed all the praises. He is an ex-cabinet of GMA as a Secretary of Tourism into which he uses it's funds for his personal campaign. Travel taxes or tourist taxes were financing Gordon's campaign. GMA do know that. We may even think they're close. I can't remember any scene that he opposed his benefactor regarding corruption while he accuses other politicians. Erap? Of course we know that they have grave issues but we do know that GMA is not stupid. She is one of the best scheme-artist that we have here. Definitely she won't let Erap free that easily without any conditions, say, plotting against her or going against her. It is only unexpected that he still have that large numbers of supporters. He is indeed a people of the masses. We can never disregard any possibilities but hey, they are indeed factual. Jamby for me, as I see and know her, she is a person who takes destroying reputation as a pleasure. Now people, you think you know it all? even I didn't know it all, at least I know this much. Akala mo na naman di ba?

Vista Land and Stocks issues? That Manny Villar influences the stock market, Securities and Exchange Commission? For a person who knows business and studied business, this accusation is a shit. No one, not even Michael Jackson or the Pope can influence it. How much more Manny Villar. Stock Market is a different world, SEC is an independent, private entity that only depends on factual business money life. A person who tries to influence it may have made the whole world as an enemy. Enrile and Erap do know this well. Again, they have the capacity to exploit ordinary people, people who do not understand and listen to mere hearsays. Anyways, Enrile is a known as a destroyer of forest and natural resources. Why not go after him Jamby? Erap has stocks in Filinvest and Alpha land if I'm not mistaken. Akala mo ha.

If ever MBV won, how will he regain all his campaign expenses? The answer, he won't. He already has that much money alotted for the campaign which came from a sale of one of his company or intellectual property amounting to billions which they share among their children. They didn't touch they're savings or own money for the campaign. They are indeed managers. They know how much is for what expense. Even all of us know that money is no matter upon accomplishing a dream. Kung ang pagkamatay sa maling akala ay mabilisan, malamang iilan na lang ang mga pinoy ngayon.

There are a lot of issues. He is still a man of his word. He told his employees that he will definitely concede even at an early stage if he really saw that the discrepancy is really that wide. He did that. He face loosing as a man. He told people that this will be his last three years in politics, believe me or not, he will retire from it as he promised. It is sad that I feel that we are no different from the Jews who still wait for their Messiah. If we only exert much effort instead of accusing someone ignorantly. We wasted our capacity of learning and discovering. Baka magalit si Lord. Maraming namamatay sa maling akala.