Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bridge of Possibilities

It has been a long time since I have last blogged. I have been thinking of ways to remove the smudge of politics upon making a piece. But until now politics has never left my thought. Maybe because I learned so much in this past election. And I know I have given all my efforts to support a wonderful cause. Anyways, to divert my senses from it, I tried to remember some wonderful stories that has given me the paint, brushes and means on how to make life colorful instead of the ordinary black and white. Maybe you know this story but I will tell anyways.

There are two young lovers who is so committed to each other. Since they are from different schools, they rely on their cellphones to bridge their communications. They graduated college and haven't change their sim cards since the time they met. They have different line of work but still they continuously text and call each other. Day and night. But one day, while the girl was on a trip and now going back to the Philippines, the guy has met his demise, died of a car accident. He was buried right away so that the people who visit him at his wake wouldn't have a gruesome image of the guy. Since the guy treasured the cellphone so much, they bury it with him. The girl wasn't aware of the unfortunate event since she is on a trip. After three days of rest, she went and tried to surprised the guy at his home. The mother greeted her in a very grieving mood. She told the girlfriend that the boyfriend died and was buried right away. The girl laughed and said that the boyfriend is trying to pull up a prank, even conniving with his mother. So what the mother did was to show her the photos of the wake and the accident scene. The girl didn't believe it and told the mother that they were just talking to each other last night. It is impossible the mother said. But suddenly the girlfriend's cellphone rang and to their horror, her boyfriend's number was flashing on the screen. At first, they were hesitant but still the girl answered the phone, uses the handsfree so that the mother could listen as well. They heard boyfriend's voice and told her about what his mother have said. The boyfriend confirmed that he indeed is dead and said "Mommy, Honey, don't worry. I am okay here with Saint Peter. Totoo pala, malakas talaga ang signal, Making Great Things Possible... Globe."

You can tell me that it is corny but still that joke made me smile. The truth is I told you that story to share you my insights on what has happened to me this past few days. I was at the hype of the election. For one year I have spend right amount of time researching about each presidentiables so that I may know who will I go for. A month later, I voluntarily campaign for someone who I believe is the right man for the highest national position. He never won the presidential race. He conceded and congratulated the winner early as what he has promised to do. Heartbreaking. But hey, I realized that yes, he didn't won the election, but with what he has done, he has won the respect, trust, and admiration of the majority. That is a landslide victory. Presidents cannot command trust, honor, and respect from his constituents. Only the people can give it to the rightful person. After loving the voluntary campaign, going through gruesome defeat, I know what I have learned bridge me over to a higher level of knowing. What I learned is that experiences should never be forgotten because ugly or not, it escalates you to a higher level. Great things will continue because my candidate will pursue his plans for the nation even in his lesser level of political responsibility. After the gruesome mud slinging in the election period, we achieve not the presidential office, but the nation's heart, trust and confidence. This blog is not meant to promote a brand or something. I just used this idea for all us to be reminded that after dedicated hardwork, great things are all possible.

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