Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pepot's Pathetic New Boss


(Persons', company, and industry names were altered but the essence of the story is based on a person's experience on an office environment.)

Definition of terms (from

1. boss - [baws, bos] 
      a person who employs or superintends workers; manager.
      a politician who controls the party organizationas in aparticular district.
      a person who makes decisions, exercises authority,dominates, etc.: My grandfather was the boss in his family.
2. pathetic - [puh-thet-ik] 
      causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.;pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
      affecting or moving the feelings.
      pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
      miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for ourinvestment we get a pathetic three percent interest.

Pepot was employed in a respectable insurance agency. Since market competition is tight, the working environment is a definite toxic (long working hours and bulk work after bulk work) but the company compensates well compared to it's competitors.

Like every employee, Pepot undergone training and apprenticeship to a supervising officer that knows how to level with his subordinates while asserting his authority. The people enjoyed the years of productively fun working environment as this "mentor" discreetly places each subordinates on a higher, more competitive role.

Like every book, a chapter of Pepot's office story closes as his now manager is needed elsewhere. Thus, the leader was transferred to a different branch but left the department in a much capable hands. The new mentor followed on the previous leader's example. As he was well educated to the craft of commanding respect. Sadly, though the void was immediately filled, people from a different group on a same managerial level seeks to absorb total control over other groups as they despise (for whatever reasons they have, didn't want to assume) the ways and the works of the transferred manager.

Pepot saw that the new manager exerts measureless effort as he, on one hand, maintains the group's culture and productivity while on his other hand fends off the sharks. These people were very vocal of their opposition towards the old manager while the new one somewhat tried to reach out. Pepot saw this era's early stages was tumultuous as the manager tried to calm the situation. Sadly, the manager's effort to pacify the situation resulted to a cold war. The leader realized that it is easier to react to a known problem than dealing on a deceitful, so-called "comrade". 

It came to the point that the manager's days with the group was numbered as he was now being shipped to a newly open branch on a different metro. The opposition's effort through boot licking finally paid off as they will acquire this group as soon as the current manager transfer. Unfortunately, although this out-going manager trained and places them to be in a competitive position, the managerial role will be occupied by the leeches through merger. It is out the manager's control as Pepot look at the exiting mentor.

The newly head of Pepot's group asserts her authority towards the group. She realizes that she has authority in the office but didn't receive admiration and respect like the two managers before her. She came to the point that she tried to use intimidation and position to reaching out and being friendly but to no avail. Pepot and the group were molded by the previous leader like a metal ball, solid and battle-tested (previous manager focused more on being a family and productivity). As desperate as she became, the boss was becoming more unhappy each passing day. She questions why all her efforts of reaching out to this group was not working. Pepot knew the answer. "How come that you eagerly want our friendship when you publicly stabbing the persons we looked up on? You're actions speaks for themselves", but Pepot knew it would be senseless to tell this to a hateful individual. Pepot and the group saw it that this boss will never relinquish anything as she is more hungry for power than respect and admiration. They know that the boss will continue to be power-hungry yet empty. Pepot continue each days working, looking at the hopeless, pathetic manager, while waiting for the opportunity to move up.

Morals of the story:
1. Respect is always given, respect for authority, respect for life, respect for everything. Nobody can take away respect from anyone, but sadly, we are the only ones who destroy our "respect" and will result to others disrespecting you. Respect is destroyed through tasteless decisions and actions.
2. Credibility is different from respect, this one is gained. You cannot build authority through unethical ways, lack of credibility will destroy respect and later on extinguish authority.
3. Do not try to destroy malevolent people, they are like time-bombs that will self destruct any moment, nobody wants to be blown up with them. 
4. Instead of hating hateful persons, pity them. They will always do anything on their power to assert their hateful ways. This people will never realize what truly is wrong. They were blinded by that as they will try to put other's to scrutiny while not realizing that they were actually rotting. They will never know what hit them.
5. You can do nothing to change people. Only them can change themselves. But you can continue to move on, look everything on every perspective, and evolve to a better person.

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