Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Walking on a border line

We certainly know the emerging subculture called Jejemon. They are individuals who makes a word different by means of changing it's appearance and even it's spelling. I can say at first that it is somewhat colorful and creative but there is something not right about it. What is wrong about it is that those people already applied that improper grammatic construction to their daily lives. A "lifestyle" as they say. What is improper is not a "lifestyle", it is destructive. Some businesses even capitalized on it. I personally received a text message from my mobile network about a certain promo that uses Jejemons way of talking as a ringback. It is cute at first and irritating after, and it is definitely wrong.

Those kids in that generation could have a hard time communicating in a proper manner. Especially, we train our kids to be creative and innovative but always take morals and ethics into consideration for them to be ready to the professional world. Ask a high school student to speak proper tagalog, take note, not english, TAGALOG, to the elders. Most of them really find it hard to fluently speak their native language. We are all walking in a border line, we cannot always play safe. We, as human beings, have the capacity to decide on what option to take. We should always take precautions and responsibility on our actions. Go beyond the walls of technicalities but always be sure that your move is always grounded by morality and ethics. Let's take the Americans as an example. Definitely, they culture of the black americans, the way most of them talk, like "there ain't no shit about it", "wazzup doug?" are some basic colorful words that we might be hearing from them. Ask them to write or speak proper english, they will definitely be properly outdone by Filipinos. I can't imagine native Filipinos who can't speak their native tongue.

I like the move made by the Department of Education. Please read the link: http://www.sunstar.com.ph/manila/deped-declares-‘all-out-war’-vs-jejemons

Another thought, we could not make our children take drastic actions because they know that they can say sorry and go for a fall back. They should also learn discipline and responsibility. It is not only our obligation to the young ones but to each and everyone of us as well. CReativity is something that nourishes and flourishes life, not destroy it. Language is part of a culture and culture is life. Always do what is right and you can never go wrong.

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