Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Person Our Country Needs

This momentous day signifies the triumph of democracy through the Filipino people. We do know that the result of the Presidential race is a result of a clean and honest election. It is the first automated, first that the nation coped up with the advancement of the modern age. It is not surprising that the outcome is based from what the majority really inked on the ballot. It is not surprising because this is the nature of the true Philippines. The general public vote for the person they think our country needs.
And there he was, standing in the Quirino Grandstand and took his rightful place, a place given by the Filipino people. The man our country needs. To be honest, I did not vote for him. But hey, he won and he deserves a chance. He deserves respect. And regardless who we vote, he deserves our whole hearted support. He is what the majority says our country needs.
Can he give all of us a better life? Good education for each young Filipinos? Sufficient, if not more, income for every Filipino household? Ample food in our tables? Employment? Security? Can he abolish poverty? Can he totally wipe out corruption? The answer is he cannot.
The hard truth is he cannot do that. He is definitely not who our country needs. Not even those who ran for president and other positions along and against him. The slapping fact is that he might can give the best programs and rightful reforms but it is still up to the people being addressed to that program to take the initiative. He can give every people living in the squatters area home but it is still up to those people who were given those houses the choice to be relocated in their respective abode or continue living to a place where they do not have to pay for water or electricity. He can give a memorandum for better education but it is still up to the student to study or just fool around. He can create more jobs but was the unemployed qualify for a position knowing he fail a lot because he just do whatever he wanted to do during his years studying? How can he pull down our electric and water bill if many Filipinos have jumpers in their houses? How can he stop calamities if we ourselves cut trees, waste precious water, smoke, throw our garbage wherever we want. This is just some, there are a lot more things unsaid that makes each and everyone of us responsible for our own sufferings.
He is not what our country needs. He is just a representation of the many, a person that will serve and assist our country. It can’t be done by one man alone. The persons our country need are us Filipinos. Until the time that every Filipinos became responsible for themselves, for others, for his or her environment, and for the nation, the day of us going back to the glory that was ours is quite far-fetched than what we expect. Be responsible, know your role, do your part.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Capacity To Choose

Another school year has started, another batch of hopeful-soon-to-be-professionals are striving hard to finish their journey towards graduation. Usually, parents provide their children the gift of education in the hopes that their children will have a better life in the future. Future... hmmm... future of the students, it only means their waiting professional life. And for the most, it is about employment. I would like to share an employment situation that I witness happening to a highly qualified person placed in an "orthodox type" of company.

This person is known in their campus as an "intelligent, down-to-earth" type of student, very active in curricular and extra curricular activities. That garner her credentials and awards. An officer of a national level student organization. After her first project based work, she was hired by a top real estate development firm as a marketing officer.

As usual, like every eager newly hired employee, she submits herself to what the company demands from it's people, but unlike many others, her company usually gives a single day-off per month (in their department), per employee. Marketing officer by job title: marketing officer, events organizer, and supplies purchaser by job description. They were given a high salary grade but still, human body has its own limitations. The management's response is that they give a high pay grade and the extra days are counted as overtime. A fast financial and professional status promotion, but faster toll on an employee's health. Aside from lack of rest, pressure and daily dilemmas in the workplace contribute in a fast health deterioration. Indeed, a high price for a secure employment.

What do you think, would a future professional be eager to work if he or she will be hired by a company with this kind of manpower treatment? I don't think so. We know that money run everything in this world, but bear in mind that there will be no money if there is no people. Manpower, people, human resources, whatever you want them called, are still the most important asset of a company. There is a price in every money, but you cannot put a price on a person. The company pays for the work and service done, not buying a person to be their wage slaves. Sadly, this is how I saw her situation.

But again, the company is being managed by people, so definitely they have emotions, reasons, drive, and heart. We cannot change how the company treat their employees over night, Rome wasn't built in one night. You cannot change your workload, but you can change on how you approach it, on how you handle it. The truth is that a person cannot be depressed by any outside influence, unless he or she permits to. If you feel that a situation is starting to be depressing, stay away from it. And when the pressure is building up, don't worry, regardless on how you approach it, a problem always have an answer, so better deal with it cheerfully. We are all different and unique in our own special way. We have the capacity to decide. To influence and be influenced. Do not expect them to change for you. But you can change for the better and somewhat affect your workplace. An impressed boss usually listens and treasure their outstanding employee. The management do what they do because they think it is the best for the company. Anyways, you definitely not be their employee and being paid by them if they didn't exist at all. Remember that a higher level achieved by a company, the harder it gets to stay or even climb farther. But once excellence become a daily routine, it will never be hard to produce the highest quality of performance permanently. It is not the company that makes honor possible, it is always the people inside and working in it. A boss will always have an ear to those who makes him cheer. You can always take a time out, but once you quit, you can never go back. Every pressure and expectations makes a person better, every problems and challenges makes a person wiser, and every punts taken and experiences learned makes a person stronger. You cannot make your boss look at your situation right now, on how tired and how sick you are, but human boundaries are always meant to be extend beyond limitless . Make yourself better each day. Anyways, if they can't see it, you can always talk it to them. They cannot do anything but to give you your well deserved rest. Just be ready when you return to the office, make them see what an ample amount of rest can do not only for the employee but to the company as well. Anyways, if you think that change is impossible, you can always do yourself the favor of looking for another company while still working, or save enough money to put up a little business then quit. It is always important to pay respect to your company. Make sure that they will have enough time to look for a replacement. We always have a choice. We always have the capacity to decide. We always have the responsibility for the outcome. And regardless the difficulty, the best always comes from the right decision.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

When It's Time

It has been more than a month since I have last blogged. To be honest, the hype of the previous election has got into me. A month before the first automated election was held, there was a good reason for me to politically inspire my blog, to help for a greater cause. But unfortunately, we didn't win the election, and fortunately, we won the honor and respect of the public. The cause is pretty much alive and continues to grow only in another form.

I would like to explain the reason why I should stop blogging for a while. I didn't blog not because of any kind of depression due to the result of the HALALAN. I didn't blog not because I lose my will to do it. I didn't blog not because of dismay. I didn't blog because I know it is not yet time.

For me, blogging is my way of sharing my personal insights and experiences to other people. To affect their lives positively and help them even in my humble way of awareness and inspiration. How will my blog be able to serve it's purpose if its still politically motivated and somewhat very much painted of what has just happened last May? How will I able to reach out if my thoughts are trapped in the previous national scenario. It would only produce sentiments on why my candidate and our cause have the right to triumph on the said event. It is just that I still want us to be heard, just to let the people know the truth, then regardless the verdict, we will openly accept it. So now, it is not what my blog should be painted with. I have to let it be kept and serve as a new form of knowledge. The key word: KEPT. It is a wonderful memory. I should learn and grow from it and not hinder me from learning and sharing new thoughts. I let myself enjoy the time to move on and learn the proper way to carry it with me. Things should be handle in its own time. When it is time to eat, you should eat. When it is time to work, you should dedicate it for it. When it is time for your family, do not go to the company of your friends or even doing office work. When it is time for your friends, you should enjoy that time with them. And everyone should always have the time for themselves. A time to assess, regenerate, and recover from everything. Like the time-off I have given myself. Responsible Time Management and proper handling of situations are the key to your today, tomorrow, and the rest of your lives. Live and enjoy everything in it's own precious time. Because when it's time to go back to Him, you could definitely can't stop it because "it's time".

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Walking on a border line

We certainly know the emerging subculture called Jejemon. They are individuals who makes a word different by means of changing it's appearance and even it's spelling. I can say at first that it is somewhat colorful and creative but there is something not right about it. What is wrong about it is that those people already applied that improper grammatic construction to their daily lives. A "lifestyle" as they say. What is improper is not a "lifestyle", it is destructive. Some businesses even capitalized on it. I personally received a text message from my mobile network about a certain promo that uses Jejemons way of talking as a ringback. It is cute at first and irritating after, and it is definitely wrong.

Those kids in that generation could have a hard time communicating in a proper manner. Especially, we train our kids to be creative and innovative but always take morals and ethics into consideration for them to be ready to the professional world. Ask a high school student to speak proper tagalog, take note, not english, TAGALOG, to the elders. Most of them really find it hard to fluently speak their native language. We are all walking in a border line, we cannot always play safe. We, as human beings, have the capacity to decide on what option to take. We should always take precautions and responsibility on our actions. Go beyond the walls of technicalities but always be sure that your move is always grounded by morality and ethics. Let's take the Americans as an example. Definitely, they culture of the black americans, the way most of them talk, like "there ain't no shit about it", "wazzup doug?" are some basic colorful words that we might be hearing from them. Ask them to write or speak proper english, they will definitely be properly outdone by Filipinos. I can't imagine native Filipinos who can't speak their native tongue.

I like the move made by the Department of Education. Please read the link:‘all-out-war’-vs-jejemons

Another thought, we could not make our children take drastic actions because they know that they can say sorry and go for a fall back. They should also learn discipline and responsibility. It is not only our obligation to the young ones but to each and everyone of us as well. CReativity is something that nourishes and flourishes life, not destroy it. Language is part of a culture and culture is life. Always do what is right and you can never go wrong.