Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Necessity of People's Energy
Businesses run because of productivity. Productivity on different departments creates a smooth flow of operation. Productivity on different levels of organization creates harmony towards directions and commands that leads to better - best people performance. Productivity doesn't rely on machines, it rely on people. So what are the most essential commodity towards productivity? It is TIME and ENERGY.

TIME - for the longest time managers/ business owners/ leaders say that it is the most important substance towards success, time. Time is infinite, it will never end, even if the world cease to exist, time will still be there. Timing, on the other hand, is the preparedness of grasping an opportunity when it present itself. Most people believe that if it isn't the right time, regardless how ready you are, success won't be achieved. This is always a case-to-case basis.

I would like to give emphasis more on ENERGY - the capacity to do work or exert power. Like what has stated above, time is either finite or infinite but energy is renewable. Once the opportunity present itself but the person doesn't have enough to grab it, opportunity was usually wasted. Energy creates activities, performing activities (work/ duty /responsibility/ task-whichever you like) pushes you further up towards accomplishing a goal. Finishing your tasks creates preparedness, and being prepared creates opportunity upon reaching your goal and even the company's goal. It most of the time generate opportunities. So the question is, do you still have energy?

It is vital for the management and even the employees to know the importance of energy. Machines have routine maintenance. People, most especially, is in dire need of rest and relaxation. It is the key to attain renewable energy. Here are the essential sources of energy:

1. Physical energy

We can achieve this through:  Quality and quantity of sleep Appropriate nutrition to ensure balanced blood sugar levels thought the day. It isn’t possible to be productive and perform well with low blood sugar. It is also impossible to even think with very low blood sugar levels as it literally leaves you feeling ‘brain-dead’. Appropriate nutrition refers to managing your insulin spikes and choosing fresh, enzyme-rich foods as the best fuel for your physical body (your engine).
The right exercise (this does not mean excessive cardio!). In fact, short, intense exercise if far more beneficial and achievable.
Short bursts of rest in between rushing around or performing endless tasks around the house or work is also far more productive. Think of yourself as a ‘corporate athlete’ where you sprint and recover instead of working all day long without regular breaks. Power rests can be anywhere from one to five minutes, provided you totally disengage from your activity.

2. Emotional energy (emotional connection)
In order to perform at our best, we need to access our positive and uplifting emotions such as enjoyment, adventure, opportunity, challenge and inspiration. Appreciating others and, in turn, feeling appreciated is the key here.
When we dwell on negative emotions, such as hostility, resentment or anxiety, the quality of our energy is hugely diminished. Over time, running on negative emotional energy at work or in any other area of life is a huge energy drain, which leads to chronic tiredness, perhaps even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
This is because emotions that arise out of fear or deficit or which threaten our survival in any way, produce an extremely toxic effect by stimulating the adrenal glands to release cortisol (the stress hormone). In small amounts, cortisol is beneficial but when it pumps into the bloodstream for too long, it leaves a trail of destruction and eats away at muscle tissue.

3. Mental energy (mental focus)
Any way of quietening the mind and its constant chitchat, such as ‘effortless’ meditation technique or activities that focus on the breath like Qi Gong, allows us to renew our mental energy. Renewing our mental energy makes us far more intelligent and productive in the long run.
To perform at our best, we also need to sustain concentration and be flexible in our thinking, with appropriate focus and realistic optimism. Regularly engaging in creative visualisations enhances the mental flow of energy.
Mental capacity is also derived from expending and renewing energy. In practical terms, if we spend too much time in overthinking, over-analysing or focusing heavily on practical outcomes, we are not allowing for creative possibilities and new ways of thinking or experiencing to occur. And, of course, if we adopt this approach habitually, it can lead to boredom, which can create a very destructive outcome.

4. Spiritual energy (knowing your purpose/path)
Spiritual energy aligns our actions, motivations and ambitions and as a result we feel more alive, engaged, connected and able to judge our next step more clearly. At this level, we are also able to access and use our innate gifts and talents creating an awesome sense of having ‘energy on tap’.
Just as nature has its own natural pulses and rhythms, such as the daily rising and setting of the sun, we also experience wave-like movements between activity and rest. Daily rest and renewal is the key to balancing all four sources of energy. If we can achieve a balance of being physically energised, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned, we are well on the way to optimal health and inner happiness.

Time managementEnergy management
Avoid stressSeek stress and train for recovery
Life is a marathonLife is a series of sprints
The power of positive thinkingThe power of full Engagement
(by using the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sources of energy combined)
Downtime is a waste of timeDowntime is productive time
Time is finiteEnergy is renewable
Time is outside of usEnergy is inside of us

So if you are an employee who doesn't value your energy, you became a liability in your company, a thin string that will break sooner without you knowing it. Worst is if you are a manager who pushes your employees towards the limits of their health, creating a hazardous working environment, like a corporate terrorist working inside while planting bombs of weary employees inside the company because of a fanatic, crooked view of efficiency and productivity, a hindrance towards success. Everybody needs a time off. It heals physical, intellectual and emotional pains and helps regenerate energy. Vacation is still a quality time.
(4 key sources of energy and the paradigm table from

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