Friday, June 1, 2012

A True Office Story

Want to boost your people's productivity? Here are some of the words a manager can say:

"How can you all be so productive when you are all slacking? You, yes you, you are always late, it is like you've took a half day off. While you are always absent, either you're not feeling well or there's an emergency. You are here, yes, but we are not paying just your body to be here, we need you and your thoughts intact. Don't make any excuses."

"We need concepts and activities to meet our targets. You haven't done a proposal yet, we need it to be done by weekend. Everything must go through me so everything's checked and that nothing can go wrong. No slacking, and also no overspending."


"Everyone, may I have your attention please. I think you are abusing me. Abusing me is also abusing our company. Do not go easy on work because the company doesn't have an "easy time" finding money to pay for your salaries. This is not a picnic. This is a very competitive office within a competitive company."

So okay... now we have just read some of the words that may comes out of a "manager's" mouth.

So here are some "possible" actual facts:

1) They are late because they were asked to stay late the night before.
2) They are absent (body and mind or mind only) because the work is physically tolling and they were not being pushed to the limit but being stretched out to their breaking point.
3) Yes, they have emergencies, a positive way to look at it is that those are personal emergency, do not wait for their emergency to happen because of you.
4) Slacking? Oh well, maybe they aren't slacking, they might be exhausted. Have you checked? When is the last time these people have breathe and taken care of their responsibilities to their selves? I bet the company payed for their skills, talents, and dedication, but definitely not for their life.
5) It is their issue when they do not have anything good for the company, but it will be of the manager's if they submitted but keep on putting your stuff instead because of the great idea you have, shoving aside whatever juice that they squeezes from their mind. If that's what's happening, you are just wasting your time and your employees time.
6) What activities can they do if you keep on hacking the budget? You have approved the proposal, it is assumed you have checked it, so why not give what it's due? Anyways, they were audited and the result would be more money for the company. You buy cheap, you get cheap, what would you expect?
7) There are managers who were abused, but that is not always the case. If so, there are managers that repeatedly abuse their employees. Dig deep inside you and ask which one are you?
8) Managers are not the company. The company has it's core values. Sadly, most people who manages the company lacks them. For example, most companies are family-oriented, sadly most of their employees rarely talked, spent time or even see their families.
9) If the company has a day off, the employees should have one too? Even God asks for an hour a week, how come a manager don't consider that to the mere mortals?
10) Yes an office is not a place for picnic, it is a competitive and productive place, but it isn't hell.

Sometimes the best way is not to speak of condemnation or promises. The mere fact that a manger reaches down to he's employees, listening about their office condition and how they fare in work will let enable you to repair the damages while on it's early stage. Glasses break, so did the employees, everybody needs a break. They also needed to be well acquainted with each other, feel comfortable, not just they knew each other because they were working on the same office. We know that employees' productivity reflect on the manager. Instead of asking what are they not doing, ask yourself "what am I not doing FOR THEM?" A glass half-filled with water is not just half filled glass of water, it is also half empty.

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