Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Who's the REAL MAN?

I have been carefully watching the presidential race and it's candidates through media: news, blogs, and records from the past. As time passes by, as the election comes faster and nearer, things are becoming much clearer to me. The question is, who is the real man? A certified genuine leader who should rightfully take the seat in Malacanang Palace and govern the country for six years (unless there will be some changes in our constitution), and deliver us to the glory that was ours. There are many points to consider and many facts to gather and later test its' authenticity so that the decision that I will make will be a solid and responsible one. But lately, it all comes down to this "manly" question: WHAT WILL THEY DO IF EVER HE DOES NOT WIN? Their answer is vital because it will reflect on what kind of a person they are. Majority of them will think that they have been cheated, and one of them, Sen. Noynoy Aquino even said that another EDSA will be raised to overthrown whomever was seated. He considered he was cheated once he never win. Remember that he is also the person who said that surveys (an aspect that makes him so confident to say that he will win) are like documents being sold in Quiapo or Recto. He claimed that he has already won the contest. Was he really thinking when he say those words? And now he is telling us that the results from a psychiatric examination are fake? I am not verifying the authenticity of that record but I do know from years ago, from the time that the records are nothing of significance, that he has been treated for medical conditions.
I will not elaborate on other candidates but I will share my view towards them. I will not consider Erap definitely because he already has his chance that he lost because he wasted it. What he is doing today is grabbing other's their chance for the role, it is like stealing. And hey, he wanted to legalize Jueteng, so what's next, prostitution and drugs? Gibo, like Erap said, is one of the persons in the making of a president but was moving in the shadows of the Arroyos (he states that he will forever be loyal to them). We cannot expect change for that, I do not want to have a puppet for a president. Dick Gordon is a true transformer, he is kind on the television but cruel when the spotlight is gone. He uses the funds to do his job but claim it that HE does it, not the FILIPINO taxpayers. He Has no moral values, ask his ex and employees. Jamby doesn't really aim to reconstruct our nation, but she aims to destroy anyone who opposes her. She is a bitter wicked woman who concentrates on what she can do to destroy one's reputation, for her the better thing to do is mudsling against other people rather doing her rightful business. Brother Eddie is most likely qualified but I do not like a person that misleads the facts. I sometimes watch Diyos at Bayan and what I can say is that everything should always go in accordance to what he wanted the viewers to know, either fact or his own personal view. Like when he gathered his supporters in the Quirino Grandstand (if I am not mistaken) and he told the attendance is way much smaller than what he had said on media. Simple things that can really put a big hole in one's personality. JC and Nic are people who I think should elevate their status to the next level, not in the highest level. It is not ambitious but I think they need more time to further prove themselves.
Now there is only one presidentiable that I know that have the guts, the pride, and the honor to accept the result given by the Filipinos. He told the employees in one company celebration that if ever he see that at an early time his opponent's winning margin is way larger than his, he will definitely concede and step down to give way to the winning candidate. He is man enough to accept the result, whatever it maybe. He is indeed a genuine man who honors his words and know how to handle losses. A man that I believe almost none could ever have outdone.
Imagine, who in the right state of mind will sacrifice his supporters, turning them into fanatics that are willing to shed their blood to that person who exploits their innocence, and perhaps, ignorance? I am not that good kind of a person but I definitely know that I should sacrifice, not them, if I am in his situation. With that, isn't it a ground for him to be called a "wicked man"? Noynoy's way of facing defeat... sacrificing the people who believes in him, instead of protecting them. Wait, the whole Aquino kids are active in the first People Power, even little Kris, but where the hell is Noynoy? Maybe he is having a vacation? Maybe he is busy studying? Or maybe he is taking medication. In that I do not know. What I do know is: Villar is the REAL MAN among others.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Why Manny Villar?

I encountered this sound blog created by Ms. Noemi Lardizabal-Dado about why people should also have Manny Villar as a wise presidential option.
She raises some strong points on why to vote for Sen. Manny Villar. I love for a fact that a person who writes something is not just intelligent but also responsible as well. We know for sure that this election is a very colorful and deceiving one. I was aware about the real world when I was still 17, I started working and deal with grown ups at that early stage. Honestly, at first I was pro Noynoy, simply because unfortunately someone died, like what Sen. Villar have said. But I am a person who questions my principles and decisions. Because what is right thing to do now is a terrible thing to do tomorrow. What is constant to me is to know more and change for the better. Which have left me knowing not only him, but also other candidates. The good, the bad, and even the worst. I really allot a huge amount of time to do my national obligation as a citizen of our country to do some researches and find facts myself. I am not a fan of hearsays but I use them to know the real deal first hand. And I could definitely and proudly say that Manny Villar is the making of a real LEADER. Take note: LEADER. A President is just a government position. What makes it a number one national leadership role is the person behind it. Villar possesses the virtue and value of a true leader. Here is a link to know why from another blogger:
The most interesting facts that I have found out is how Mr. Manny Villar and Mr. Benigno Aquino III answers this question: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU LOSE? I have learned that Sen. Villar answer this in his meeting with his employees in the holiday season "Kung sakaling manalo ako, most likely hindi ninyo ako makikita muna dito. Pero ok lang, kung matalo ako, mas madalas tayong magkikita-kita. Kung sakaling maaga pa pero malaki na talaga ang lamang, magcoconcede na agad ako. Tatanggapin ko agad ang pagkatalo ko. (If ever I win, you will most likely will not see me around here. But it is ok even if I lose, you will always see me around. If ever that the margin of votes between the winner and I is really that big, I will concede right away and accept the result of the election.) In the contrary, what Sen. Noynoy is telling about and showing about what he will do if ever he loses, guys I'll be brief about this, he is conditioning his supporters to go and do another EDSA Revolution. From that answer, I think people should think twice about voting him. Again, do some research and know the facts first hand. Please, it is not only your future, but your children's future as well. Be responsible, be wise.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Last Card: King of Spades

A have a typical high school life. I am one (it means we are many) class clowns in our batch. I don't know if it was sheer liveliness or just a juice of our youth but we always crack jokes to make the class burst in laughter. But whenever there's a contest, like these class jesters are usually the one who gave the wild idea and creates marvelous concept. The person In applaud most is Leo Aquino and Lourdes Severo. They are people with jokes but definitely one of the most sensible people in our batch. I, on the other hand, belongs to the people who rarely attend classes just to play basketball. It is when my classroom adviser talk to me about what will happen if I continue this attitude, specially we are nearing our graduation. She told me: "I have handled you since your third year, and I have seen you in your lower years. It is evident you fail in the first three quarters but always get a score in the fourth good enough to save your whole annual term. You too have ideas that are so outrageous and seemingly radical that always brought out your kind of ingenuity. You are only hardworking in areas you love and seemingly ignore those that bores you. You have a great gift but you either hide it or misuse it. Think about it. You were never there whenever that gift of yours was needed. Don't make them useless. It will just fade and so your future. Think about it."
I did graduate high school and make sure that in my college days, I will use those gifts. And I do learn more to have other skills and enhance what are presently acquired. I have learned that TALENT IS USELESS IF YOU'RE ALWAYS ABSENT. Time is always at the essence. Talent, or skills, always go hand in hand with time. Using them is like sharpening a sword. And like swords, they can be full of rust when they are just hidden. Always be there. You can never know when your opportunity will rise. While waiting, why not sharpen your sword. You will never know what kind of object that your sword must strike.

King of Diamonds

I know for sure that almost all of us have attended a family celebration. May it be reunion, birthdays, or just simple gatherings. There is always a person who will prepare, coordinate, or handle every event. Have you ever took an initiative in handling such happenings? Not only in your family or friends' bonding moments but this also happens in a office where departments or company wide outings were being organized. When I was working in a typical office, you can see those who volunteer to plan and organize the event and those who just smirk and wait for things to be handled. Events are a simple thing that will not raise your pay grade but will definitely raise your level of knowledge, socializing ability, and most of all increase your credentials.
Most of the employees hate extra work but this are actually opportunities given for them to learn and improve. Like most people, they didn't notice that an opportunity just passed them. They let a part of luck slip away. We know when we are over worked or when we can still accommodate extra work and exert extra effort. This lesson is for those who have enough time to spare for but let uses it to in a less productive way.
BY ALL MEANS DON'T SAY IF I CAN, SAY I WILL. This lesson teaches us to face the challenge and top the others. There is no triumph when there is no obstacle. So there is no succeeding when we are doing nothing. Success is a series of daily effort. We may not earn financially but it will give us the capacity to be better than the others. It will give us the capacity to earn more than what we should have. And it will give us a boost nearer to success.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Queen of Spades

Why does shit happens? It is not always an unforeseen event nor something caused by other person. It is usually an "experience caused by our very own carelessness. When I was working on a bank, I told my manager that even if I am an events person, I have the capacity to easily learn and adopt to new things. I think it is one of the reason why they hired me. It was a totally different world for me. I am not used to working with a routine systems with numbers, and I know I am a person who needs to let my creative juices into work. But I still stay and learn. What happened to my next six month is "same shit, different day" experience. I always feel heavy going to work. I exerted effort that seems to be never enough. My time-in is 6:30 am but I was already working at about 5 am. I should be going home by 4 pm but I always extend until 8 or 10 pm. Whatever preparation that I have done the day will never be enough for the demands of the next day. I really felt like a dolphin taken away from the sea and put into the dessert. Why do I have experience that? I think maybe I am too young that's why I took the risk (anyways, I have learn and it is a gain situation for me.) But I think I haven't prepared myself to it. I just jump into the bandwagon and come what may. Another lesson learned, it is good taking risks but be sure you know what will happen before going through it.
My girlfriend is a marketing and events officer in a real estate firm. She is doing great in her work, but like a typical employee, she experiences shit-load of happenings. She was forced to be more creative than the usual. She was always going through extended hours of work. But still the workload never decreases. It is a different situation but some little things that should be taken care of are usually the things that causes her delays. So the next day, this small snow is now a huge snow ball. We all have a share of those experience, especially, like her, she was overworked.
It is somewhat strict but what we do today defines our tomorrow. We should always do our best in the present so that we have a better future. The Lesson here is: THE BEST PREPARATION FOR A GOOD WORK TOMORROW IS TO DO GOOD WORK TODAY. Hey, it doesn't mean good work is just doing what you have to do, it means do better everyday, good was never enough. So if shit do happens, despite of all the works done, you know that it is manageable and you'll be able to convert that shit into gold.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jack of Spades

My perception of success is that a true success never stops. It either maintain its position or aim higher, but it never drops down. For me, a person cannot be successful when he resist learning or didn't even learn. Learning is changing and change is the only constant thing on earth. If you can change and be able to adopt to any environment and in every scenario, definitely you are able to survive and succeed on time's challenge.
We all know that Sarao is a benchmark, a pioneer when it comes to jeepney manufacturing. As far as I know, they dominate their industry but started to fall around the 90's. They realize that upon transforming a military, scrap mobile into a public transport vehicle, the jeepney becomes the dominant transportation machine in the Philippines. The realization was there, the innovation was there but why does Sarao doesn't seem to be the dominant jeepney manufacturing company that they used to be? The answer, they stopped growing, they stop learning, they stop adopting to changes. They become very conventional. It is given that there will always be a competitor in one's industry. May it be small or monstrous one, it doesn't matter. What matter is what you can do and what are you capable of doing. It doesn't only mean talent, it doesn't only mean skills, but what matters is how much you learn and able to learn and still capable of learning, and then implementing. We cannot be cavemen all through our life, we cannot be nomads all through our existence, we are capable of improving, we are all destined to be successful. We can never learn unless we started to listen. We can never teach a person who doesn't want to learn. It is like a cap full of coffee, our efforts of putting more coffee to it will only be put to waste because it's space is full, loaded. But we are not a cup, we are capable of adjusting to our environment, our mind is boundless when it comes to ability to learn more. It is only up to the heart to open it's door. Always be reminded what the Jack of Spades is sharing: SUCCESSFUL PERSONS ARE ALWAYS LEARNING.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

CAYGO: The Tenth Spade

As I have said in my previous blog, I have a working experience being a service crew, I will indicate which food chain but definitely I know most of them follow this simple rule. CLEAN AS YOU WORK, CLEAN AS YOU GO. In short, CAYGO. I am a business management major and I for one definitely would recommend that some time in a management student's life should he get an experience working as a service crew. I have learned a lot being one of them. I have learned the production operation process, the manning and scheduling, socializing, and most of all, the Clean As You Go policy. Everytime you do something, for instance, make a vanilla mix to be used in making a sundae, a certified crew should always learn to sanitize everything, specially the materials and hands so that it will not cause any infection or contamination. It is also a requirement to meet a high quality product. Operating or making a vanilla mix is not an excuse for the workstation to be untidy. It is a must to keep it clean and orderly. And after the procedure, clean again the workplace. It is definitely easier to work in a clean workstation than experiencing the hassle and stress caused by being disorganize or dirty place. It is also a disciplinary and fellowship training. It doesn't only complement your coworker but also develop a good impression towards everybody in your office or production area. Cleanliness is next to godliness. An orderly, clean place makes every process go smoothly. When you incorporate it in the way you work, you will definitely manifest in your personal lifestyle. Anyways, most of the people that is easily irritated or easily distracted are those person which has no orderliness. We can start by throwing our trash to the proper place (I mean trash bins). If only all parents could train their children about organizing and cleaning, I see a peaceful and bright future ahead.

The Nine of Spades

Have you ever been in a situation that you really think that you do not have any choice but to do something wrong just to be able to survive? Honestly, in my years of living, I always experience that it is seem necessary to do such bad acts just to survive. But as I grew up, I realize that there is always a choice given to us. There is no such thing as a "no choice" situation. We always have to decide but some of us always choose the easy way out of a predicament. Let's set a typical example: I have this interview with ten "in-need" girls, college lasses that goes into prostitution, as a project in psychology. One of the question asked is why did they turn into prostitution. Eight of them answered they need money for their tuition fee since they were self supporting, two answered that they have spent their tuition budget and they have a growing financial (luxury) needs. Those eight answer further that they have nothing else to offer that's why they need to do such services. I asked them if they have tried applying for part time work like service crew or sales representative to compensate to their needs instead of going into prostitution. Seven of those eight answered that it is a very demanding work and money from sex service is higher and faster to gain. So definitely, they do have a choice. They want the easiest way out. Spirituality aside, we are human beings, the thing that separates us from other animals is reason and morality. I have been a service crew and yes, it is money hard earned for those who does not know how to enjoy and enjoy thew learning. I have learned a lot and meet new friends. I can be a hacker at that time but I chose the right thing. DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME (ALL THE TIME) is one of the lesson that I never forget. History is a witness to those people who gain or achieve through evil actions. It's either they ended up killed, disgraced, or left nothing even dignity. It is not a question of what is necessary but is it always the right, appropriate, and just thing to do. Going into the right direction, however rough the road is, will always end up in a glorious destination. We always have a choice. Do it right all the time.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eight of Spades

Imagine what if the generation before us just leave things the way it was. Meaning, like cavemen, what if they just let the fire out and just continue eating raw meat? In short, what if the people before us didn't have any plans or any initiative to improve their lifestyle. It is possible that we will still be cavemen if we are not gifted by curiosity and discovery. We inherited a better living, aside from national debts, than what our predecessors has experienced. It is not just a responsibility. It is a law. LEAVE EVERYTHING A LITTLE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT. There will always be someone who will search and create a life enhancement discovery. It is a primary obligation for every living generation. A typical parent will always find a way to provide a better way of life to their children. Then these children grow and become parents, they will also do the same. It is a cycle of life.
This law also applies in our careers and relationships. A success driven person always see to it that he accomplishes his responsibilities ahead of time. He always exert an extra effort to make thing more accurate and will leave his boss impressed. He will not mind taking overtime and will always be volunteering in any additional work or events. He has passion. He wants a better life so he works better each day. There is nothing wrong with it, given he never neglects any other obligation, specially to himself and his loveones.
In relationship, we always do a special thing for our special someones. Like cooking for them or buying a simple gift, and even just writing a note that says "Hon I need extra cash, now" just kidding, trying if you are still paying attention. A simple note like "you make everyday worth smiling." Simple things are usually overlooked. But these simple things have a huge impact in someone's life. A simple smile will always lift some worries from yourself and from other people.
We shouldn't stop improving. Once we stop, it will also mean the end of us. So always remember: LEAVE EVERYTHING A LITTLE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Seven of Spades

The Holy Week is a season of time out and reflection. Some uses this week for enjoyment and family reunions. Being able to experience church life for almost fifteen years, I usually uses this time to reconnect with God, to mend some broken lines that I have caused. No one is to blame, like a favorite break up quote, "it is not you, it's me." Actually, I didn't want to neglect my blogging and I would even like to focus on some religious themes but an opportunity showed. I have this college feasibility that is known as EGGCHEFLAN, the leche flan inside an egg. Our group won the feasibility of the year award that made us leave a legacy into our campus. I also continue making that everytime someone ordered. It is Holy Week, so therefore, for me its a time for God. But an event asked for EGGCHEFLAN to be used as an Easter Egg and be given away. My girlfriend helped me out in making three hundred seventy five pieces of EGGCHEFLAN and forty five pieces of standard leche flan. It took us Thursday midnight until Saturday lunch to finish all of our products. It is needed by Saturday afternoon. Thank God for He help us beat the time. While working, we also took time to reflect on things that have come to us, may it good or bad experiences. We never felt that we can do nothing, we also know that we can do something for God has let it be given to us. We reflect while working. While others weren't reflecting and even using this solemn time to have a good time (drinking liquor non-stop, even making loud noises that counters the sound of pasyon). It is okay to enjoy as long as it is worthwhile. As long as it replenishes our energies and our spirit. As long as it doesn't hinder anyone to have their time for themselves. As long as we do what is right. I admit, I worked and took advantage of that time to have some extra income, that also helps me excel more in my craft. While working silently, I am also reflecting. God is so good that He always helps me see the opportunities not seen by others. That He makes me aware that WASTE YOUR MONEY AND YOU'RE ONLY OUT OF MONEY BUT WASTE YOUR TIME, YOU'VE LOST A PART OF YOUR LIFE.