Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Seven of Spades

The Holy Week is a season of time out and reflection. Some uses this week for enjoyment and family reunions. Being able to experience church life for almost fifteen years, I usually uses this time to reconnect with God, to mend some broken lines that I have caused. No one is to blame, like a favorite break up quote, "it is not you, it's me." Actually, I didn't want to neglect my blogging and I would even like to focus on some religious themes but an opportunity showed. I have this college feasibility that is known as EGGCHEFLAN, the leche flan inside an egg. Our group won the feasibility of the year award that made us leave a legacy into our campus. I also continue making that everytime someone ordered. It is Holy Week, so therefore, for me its a time for God. But an event asked for EGGCHEFLAN to be used as an Easter Egg and be given away. My girlfriend helped me out in making three hundred seventy five pieces of EGGCHEFLAN and forty five pieces of standard leche flan. It took us Thursday midnight until Saturday lunch to finish all of our products. It is needed by Saturday afternoon. Thank God for He help us beat the time. While working, we also took time to reflect on things that have come to us, may it good or bad experiences. We never felt that we can do nothing, we also know that we can do something for God has let it be given to us. We reflect while working. While others weren't reflecting and even using this solemn time to have a good time (drinking liquor non-stop, even making loud noises that counters the sound of pasyon). It is okay to enjoy as long as it is worthwhile. As long as it replenishes our energies and our spirit. As long as it doesn't hinder anyone to have their time for themselves. As long as we do what is right. I admit, I worked and took advantage of that time to have some extra income, that also helps me excel more in my craft. While working silently, I am also reflecting. God is so good that He always helps me see the opportunities not seen by others. That He makes me aware that WASTE YOUR MONEY AND YOU'RE ONLY OUT OF MONEY BUT WASTE YOUR TIME, YOU'VE LOST A PART OF YOUR LIFE.

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