Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pepot's Pathetic New Boss


(Persons', company, and industry names were altered but the essence of the story is based on a person's experience on an office environment.)

Definition of terms (from

1. boss - [baws, bos] 
      a person who employs or superintends workers; manager.
      a politician who controls the party organizationas in aparticular district.
      a person who makes decisions, exercises authority,dominates, etc.: My grandfather was the boss in his family.
2. pathetic - [puh-thet-ik] 
      causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.;pitiful; pitiable: a pathetic letter; a pathetic sight.
      affecting or moving the feelings.
      pertaining to or caused by the feelings.
      miserably or contemptibly inadequate: In return for ourinvestment we get a pathetic three percent interest.

Pepot was employed in a respectable insurance agency. Since market competition is tight, the working environment is a definite toxic (long working hours and bulk work after bulk work) but the company compensates well compared to it's competitors.

Like every employee, Pepot undergone training and apprenticeship to a supervising officer that knows how to level with his subordinates while asserting his authority. The people enjoyed the years of productively fun working environment as this "mentor" discreetly places each subordinates on a higher, more competitive role.

Like every book, a chapter of Pepot's office story closes as his now manager is needed elsewhere. Thus, the leader was transferred to a different branch but left the department in a much capable hands. The new mentor followed on the previous leader's example. As he was well educated to the craft of commanding respect. Sadly, though the void was immediately filled, people from a different group on a same managerial level seeks to absorb total control over other groups as they despise (for whatever reasons they have, didn't want to assume) the ways and the works of the transferred manager.

Pepot saw that the new manager exerts measureless effort as he, on one hand, maintains the group's culture and productivity while on his other hand fends off the sharks. These people were very vocal of their opposition towards the old manager while the new one somewhat tried to reach out. Pepot saw this era's early stages was tumultuous as the manager tried to calm the situation. Sadly, the manager's effort to pacify the situation resulted to a cold war. The leader realized that it is easier to react to a known problem than dealing on a deceitful, so-called "comrade". 

It came to the point that the manager's days with the group was numbered as he was now being shipped to a newly open branch on a different metro. The opposition's effort through boot licking finally paid off as they will acquire this group as soon as the current manager transfer. Unfortunately, although this out-going manager trained and places them to be in a competitive position, the managerial role will be occupied by the leeches through merger. It is out the manager's control as Pepot look at the exiting mentor.

The newly head of Pepot's group asserts her authority towards the group. She realizes that she has authority in the office but didn't receive admiration and respect like the two managers before her. She came to the point that she tried to use intimidation and position to reaching out and being friendly but to no avail. Pepot and the group were molded by the previous leader like a metal ball, solid and battle-tested (previous manager focused more on being a family and productivity). As desperate as she became, the boss was becoming more unhappy each passing day. She questions why all her efforts of reaching out to this group was not working. Pepot knew the answer. "How come that you eagerly want our friendship when you publicly stabbing the persons we looked up on? You're actions speaks for themselves", but Pepot knew it would be senseless to tell this to a hateful individual. Pepot and the group saw it that this boss will never relinquish anything as she is more hungry for power than respect and admiration. They know that the boss will continue to be power-hungry yet empty. Pepot continue each days working, looking at the hopeless, pathetic manager, while waiting for the opportunity to move up.

Morals of the story:
1. Respect is always given, respect for authority, respect for life, respect for everything. Nobody can take away respect from anyone, but sadly, we are the only ones who destroy our "respect" and will result to others disrespecting you. Respect is destroyed through tasteless decisions and actions.
2. Credibility is different from respect, this one is gained. You cannot build authority through unethical ways, lack of credibility will destroy respect and later on extinguish authority.
3. Do not try to destroy malevolent people, they are like time-bombs that will self destruct any moment, nobody wants to be blown up with them. 
4. Instead of hating hateful persons, pity them. They will always do anything on their power to assert their hateful ways. This people will never realize what truly is wrong. They were blinded by that as they will try to put other's to scrutiny while not realizing that they were actually rotting. They will never know what hit them.
5. You can do nothing to change people. Only them can change themselves. But you can continue to move on, look everything on every perspective, and evolve to a better person.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Game called "LIFE"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Necessity of People's Energy
Businesses run because of productivity. Productivity on different departments creates a smooth flow of operation. Productivity on different levels of organization creates harmony towards directions and commands that leads to better - best people performance. Productivity doesn't rely on machines, it rely on people. So what are the most essential commodity towards productivity? It is TIME and ENERGY.

TIME - for the longest time managers/ business owners/ leaders say that it is the most important substance towards success, time. Time is infinite, it will never end, even if the world cease to exist, time will still be there. Timing, on the other hand, is the preparedness of grasping an opportunity when it present itself. Most people believe that if it isn't the right time, regardless how ready you are, success won't be achieved. This is always a case-to-case basis.

I would like to give emphasis more on ENERGY - the capacity to do work or exert power. Like what has stated above, time is either finite or infinite but energy is renewable. Once the opportunity present itself but the person doesn't have enough to grab it, opportunity was usually wasted. Energy creates activities, performing activities (work/ duty /responsibility/ task-whichever you like) pushes you further up towards accomplishing a goal. Finishing your tasks creates preparedness, and being prepared creates opportunity upon reaching your goal and even the company's goal. It most of the time generate opportunities. So the question is, do you still have energy?

It is vital for the management and even the employees to know the importance of energy. Machines have routine maintenance. People, most especially, is in dire need of rest and relaxation. It is the key to attain renewable energy. Here are the essential sources of energy:

1. Physical energy

We can achieve this through:  Quality and quantity of sleep Appropriate nutrition to ensure balanced blood sugar levels thought the day. It isn’t possible to be productive and perform well with low blood sugar. It is also impossible to even think with very low blood sugar levels as it literally leaves you feeling ‘brain-dead’. Appropriate nutrition refers to managing your insulin spikes and choosing fresh, enzyme-rich foods as the best fuel for your physical body (your engine).
The right exercise (this does not mean excessive cardio!). In fact, short, intense exercise if far more beneficial and achievable.
Short bursts of rest in between rushing around or performing endless tasks around the house or work is also far more productive. Think of yourself as a ‘corporate athlete’ where you sprint and recover instead of working all day long without regular breaks. Power rests can be anywhere from one to five minutes, provided you totally disengage from your activity.

2. Emotional energy (emotional connection)
In order to perform at our best, we need to access our positive and uplifting emotions such as enjoyment, adventure, opportunity, challenge and inspiration. Appreciating others and, in turn, feeling appreciated is the key here.
When we dwell on negative emotions, such as hostility, resentment or anxiety, the quality of our energy is hugely diminished. Over time, running on negative emotional energy at work or in any other area of life is a huge energy drain, which leads to chronic tiredness, perhaps even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
This is because emotions that arise out of fear or deficit or which threaten our survival in any way, produce an extremely toxic effect by stimulating the adrenal glands to release cortisol (the stress hormone). In small amounts, cortisol is beneficial but when it pumps into the bloodstream for too long, it leaves a trail of destruction and eats away at muscle tissue.

3. Mental energy (mental focus)
Any way of quietening the mind and its constant chitchat, such as ‘effortless’ meditation technique or activities that focus on the breath like Qi Gong, allows us to renew our mental energy. Renewing our mental energy makes us far more intelligent and productive in the long run.
To perform at our best, we also need to sustain concentration and be flexible in our thinking, with appropriate focus and realistic optimism. Regularly engaging in creative visualisations enhances the mental flow of energy.
Mental capacity is also derived from expending and renewing energy. In practical terms, if we spend too much time in overthinking, over-analysing or focusing heavily on practical outcomes, we are not allowing for creative possibilities and new ways of thinking or experiencing to occur. And, of course, if we adopt this approach habitually, it can lead to boredom, which can create a very destructive outcome.

4. Spiritual energy (knowing your purpose/path)
Spiritual energy aligns our actions, motivations and ambitions and as a result we feel more alive, engaged, connected and able to judge our next step more clearly. At this level, we are also able to access and use our innate gifts and talents creating an awesome sense of having ‘energy on tap’.
Just as nature has its own natural pulses and rhythms, such as the daily rising and setting of the sun, we also experience wave-like movements between activity and rest. Daily rest and renewal is the key to balancing all four sources of energy. If we can achieve a balance of being physically energised, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned, we are well on the way to optimal health and inner happiness.

Time managementEnergy management
Avoid stressSeek stress and train for recovery
Life is a marathonLife is a series of sprints
The power of positive thinkingThe power of full Engagement
(by using the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sources of energy combined)
Downtime is a waste of timeDowntime is productive time
Time is finiteEnergy is renewable
Time is outside of usEnergy is inside of us

So if you are an employee who doesn't value your energy, you became a liability in your company, a thin string that will break sooner without you knowing it. Worst is if you are a manager who pushes your employees towards the limits of their health, creating a hazardous working environment, like a corporate terrorist working inside while planting bombs of weary employees inside the company because of a fanatic, crooked view of efficiency and productivity, a hindrance towards success. Everybody needs a time off. It heals physical, intellectual and emotional pains and helps regenerate energy. Vacation is still a quality time.
(4 key sources of energy and the paradigm table from

Friday, June 1, 2012

A True Office Story

Want to boost your people's productivity? Here are some of the words a manager can say:

"How can you all be so productive when you are all slacking? You, yes you, you are always late, it is like you've took a half day off. While you are always absent, either you're not feeling well or there's an emergency. You are here, yes, but we are not paying just your body to be here, we need you and your thoughts intact. Don't make any excuses."

"We need concepts and activities to meet our targets. You haven't done a proposal yet, we need it to be done by weekend. Everything must go through me so everything's checked and that nothing can go wrong. No slacking, and also no overspending."


"Everyone, may I have your attention please. I think you are abusing me. Abusing me is also abusing our company. Do not go easy on work because the company doesn't have an "easy time" finding money to pay for your salaries. This is not a picnic. This is a very competitive office within a competitive company."

So okay... now we have just read some of the words that may comes out of a "manager's" mouth.

So here are some "possible" actual facts:

1) They are late because they were asked to stay late the night before.
2) They are absent (body and mind or mind only) because the work is physically tolling and they were not being pushed to the limit but being stretched out to their breaking point.
3) Yes, they have emergencies, a positive way to look at it is that those are personal emergency, do not wait for their emergency to happen because of you.
4) Slacking? Oh well, maybe they aren't slacking, they might be exhausted. Have you checked? When is the last time these people have breathe and taken care of their responsibilities to their selves? I bet the company payed for their skills, talents, and dedication, but definitely not for their life.
5) It is their issue when they do not have anything good for the company, but it will be of the manager's if they submitted but keep on putting your stuff instead because of the great idea you have, shoving aside whatever juice that they squeezes from their mind. If that's what's happening, you are just wasting your time and your employees time.
6) What activities can they do if you keep on hacking the budget? You have approved the proposal, it is assumed you have checked it, so why not give what it's due? Anyways, they were audited and the result would be more money for the company. You buy cheap, you get cheap, what would you expect?
7) There are managers who were abused, but that is not always the case. If so, there are managers that repeatedly abuse their employees. Dig deep inside you and ask which one are you?
8) Managers are not the company. The company has it's core values. Sadly, most people who manages the company lacks them. For example, most companies are family-oriented, sadly most of their employees rarely talked, spent time or even see their families.
9) If the company has a day off, the employees should have one too? Even God asks for an hour a week, how come a manager don't consider that to the mere mortals?
10) Yes an office is not a place for picnic, it is a competitive and productive place, but it isn't hell.

Sometimes the best way is not to speak of condemnation or promises. The mere fact that a manger reaches down to he's employees, listening about their office condition and how they fare in work will let enable you to repair the damages while on it's early stage. Glasses break, so did the employees, everybody needs a break. They also needed to be well acquainted with each other, feel comfortable, not just they knew each other because they were working on the same office. We know that employees' productivity reflect on the manager. Instead of asking what are they not doing, ask yourself "what am I not doing FOR THEM?" A glass half-filled with water is not just half filled glass of water, it is also half empty.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Going Gaga On Catholicism

First and foremost I would like to say that I am Catholic and not actually a fan of Lady Gaga. But it doesn't mean that since I am a Catholic I despise the above mentioned. I am a Catholic that's why I respect everybody's uniqueness and opinion. Even Christ respected the Gentiles. So why can't I respect Lady Gaga.

For half my life I served faithfully at a small chapel and a parish in our place, I am a sacristan. I actually wanted to become a priest but life has it's ways of making things different and maybe even God blessed my chosen path, only He knows. I heard, correct me if I'm wrong, that Lady Gaga was once a choir member. She was even asked by Larry King about her religious view/s... check this link for the clip

Now, would a religious person do what she's doing? Exactly, NO... but really, YES. NO, no one has the same kind and level of faith as the other, only the Lord knows how much our love shows. YES we are the same in the sense that we all have our religious freedom to express guided by the norms that carried us through our life, YES because we are all unique and we are all worshiping depending on our humanity. I personally do not know her so I can't vouch for her. But what I've learned and deeply engraved into my soul is that no person on earth has the right to lay judgment to anyone regarding how that someone live his/her life for it is only God has the power to separate the sheep from the goat.

Everybody has their own interpretation of everything. For example, if somebody voluntarily help, other's perceived that as noble act while some see it as a capricious show. I recently read the Lyrics of the song JUDAS.. here is the lyrics if you don't mind:

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

When he comes to me I am ready I’ll wash his feet with my hair if he needs Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain Even after three times he betrays me

I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down A king with no crown, king with no crown

[Chorus] I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

I couldn’t love a man so purely Even prophets forgave his crooked way I’ve learned love is like a brick you can Build a house or sink a dead body

I’ll bring him down, bring him down, down A king with no crown, king with no crown

[Chorus] I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

[Bridge] Ew In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind But in the cultural sense I just speak in future tense Judas, kiss me if offenced, Or wear an ear condom next time

I wanna love you, But something’s pulling me away from you Jesus is my virtue, Judas is the demon I cling to I cling to

[Chorus] I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby he’s so cruel But I’m still in love with Judas, baby

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Ohohohoh I’m in love with Judas

Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! Judaas Judas! GAGA

And even watched it's music video for reference:

As much as I want to type down my interpretation to every line, I would just narrow it to this conclusions. Again, this is my own perception of the song and I wish it may somewhat be similar to what Lady Gaga means.

1) It is a song written by a man who is a self confess sinner as to how much she loves Judas (an attachment to being a man committing sin/ an act of betrayal towards God's love).
2) It is a song that shows the first element of penance: admitting the sinful act. And Seeking for patience and forgiveness from the Lord.
3) In the music video, there is a character with a crown of thorns, Lady gaga, and the so-called Judas, were all together inside the bath tub with water. For me the act that lady Gaga is more like clamoring for the affection of the man with a crown of thorns while Judas is like mocking her from behind is an act that we as humans were seeking God's forgiveness and understanding that we cannot guarantee that we will never sin again, thus we are human (for men are weak and seeking for redemption is what makes us human). The water symbolizes the purification of man with God's sanctifying grace.
4) We are all have goodness in our hearts thus "Jesus is my virtue", but weak which makes us "Judas is the demon I cling to".
5) The song is an inner struggle of a man seeking for salvation and the demon that lurks in our daily living.

The concert is done and the protesters act does not stop her from performing. It only gave her free marketing and promotions. It works for her while it makes the Catholic Church negative and outdated. The problem that every religious sector is facing is the consequences of the act done by a sub-group within the Church that was being used as a leverage by the people outside the institution on defining the totality of the whole sector. For years, decades and maybe centuries, I think, Catholics forgot how to be a real Catholic. Catholics do not blame, we educate. Catholics does not persecute, we understand and forgive. Catholics are open minded and free, we accept people regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, and even everybody's uniqueness. Catholics do not hate, we do not blame, we only love.

We forgot our duty is not to persecute but to understand. By understanding we could see what really is right and what exactly is wrong. We cannot judge a person on how she dresses up, how she speaks, and what she believes. If something is quite different and you're not at ease with it, it is our obligation know the reason why that is different, not to degrade or humiliate a person for their uniqueness. I bet nobody wanted to be labelled as evil or bad influence. She is different, our kids adore her, so far she doesn't even commit any criminal act nor say degrading messages. She is outrageously dressed, so what?! We can explain it to the kids that "she looks sexy 'no? But would you like for people to see your butt cheek?" I do not know and I would like to see if any kids would like to do that. We can always explain what we deemed negative to our kids with no negative intonations. It is even our obligations to know the people our kids idolized, I bet many didn't do their homework and just jump in to the bandwagon. Hay... I sounded like her defendant but hey, if you are in the same position as her, being criticized and hated, you also deserved to be justly treated.

Catholics needs to understand because we all know that there are somethings that other's did not understood about our faith. We should not forget that Catholic the UNIVERSAL Church under one God. We do not discriminate, unity in diversity. Universal is bound to change, we grow and we change as times passes by as guided by the teachings of our Lord. For his Words does not suit only in His time, not only in our time but up to the end of time. And with that, I would never give up my faith to Him because I go to Church not because of the person who is presiding the mass but for the Lord who loves us, who asks only an hour of visit once in a week. And I will continue believing in His word "Whatever you do to my brothers (and sisters), you do it unto me.

To anyone who was offended by this blog, I would like to seek apology for expressing what I think of being Catholic by using the "GAGA experience". For those who were offended due to the acts of some various "catholic members" prior to the concert, I would like to seek your understanding for they were doing what they think is right. And to those catholic groups that just prayed for her instead of protesting, AMEN! She needs it, like you and me.