Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not Yet

Every Sunday morning, I play basketball together with my high school batchmates. It has been a weekly bonding for us and also an opportunity for me to lose some weight. It has been almost eleven years since we graduated High School. Since we are always updated with each other, we have a little luxury of surprise about what's happening to who. It is something I personally look forward to every week. It is not I'm staying away from topics regarding career but I try to not talk about that portion. It is not that I am a failure, really, I also have a share of success stories to tell. For example, in our group, I probably can say that I have the least amount of income. Therefore, I cannot talk about me having a new this or a new that. Me going somewhere to relax and spend some cash. To be honest, I am asking myself if I'm envious of what they have or who they are now. But everytime I contemplate, I will come into a BIG NO for an answer. It is in my personality to question everything that I am doing so that everything will be worth doing. I can take big blows in my life, even if its personal. Like what I have said. A problem or a situation was given to me simply because I am the best person to solve it. Right now, I do not have the luxury to go shopping, to travel, or even attend our barkada's gimmick. I really need to save at the moment. All of us have the obligation, it's just that the level of difficulty is as different as the responsibilities. And also the situation. I have to make both ends meet. My parents have no money to lend me so I can run this business. They are poor. We are poor. But they gave me the reason to succeed. The personality to endure, and my well being to possess success. They give things that money can't buy. They gave me me. Because of me, I know right now is not the time to be luxurious. Because of me, I don't mind enduring sacrifices. Because of me, I am doing what I suppose to do and to say every moment. Yes, I am not the best person in the world but I have every aspects in me to be one. I am not ashamed if I wear the same shirt, cheap footwear and donated pants. But I will be ashamed if I am not doing a thing about it. Currently, I work smart, not hard, to achieve those. Definitely I will not miss any barkada events, but not this time. I need me for me to secure that we will all have a smooth sailing journey till we grow old. Not just my barkadas, but most especially, my love ones as well. Anyways, I don't feel bad working my ass and missing all the happy-nings. Because I am happy with my career. I am my own boss. I am my own employee. I am my everything, in my career. I am not tired of smiling because I have some thing to look forward to. To reap the fruits of work, share it with my love ones. And make sure that it will not stop during the entirety of this lifetime. And it is getting closer and closer. So close that I can say I can already stretch my arms to reach them for a high five. When you are down, there is no way but to get up. So life, just bring it on!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Changing Times

The title tells it all, change and time. Both are constant, the only ones. What I would like to share to you is how advance this world is right now, compared to what it is like when I was a little boy. Since I live in an area where Class C citizens resides, definitely there are no computers back then. The only chance that we can play Mario is when our neighbor, the only person who has it the entire in the entire barangay (village) share it with us. They really are nice but you know, mature people in the 80's are so strict when it comes to lending a "state of the art" gadgets or goods. So definitely, most often we were just watching. Right now, video games are everywhere, Playstations, Xbox, even Personal Computers are very common in the households. Children have more time to enjoy, by THEMSELVES. Yup, the technology is growing, the times are indeed changing. It really affects the way of living of everybody. Imagine, no one would dare to use his Smart Billcrusher phone right now, even if it can be modified and operated. The thing is, it is not the IN thing to have, and to use it is so OUT thing to do, perhaps way out. Even parents do change. They have less worries because they won't have any problem looking for their kid because they know that they are just playing the computer or any consoles or gadgets that they have. The truth is, I don't envy the children of today's generation. What is not yet developed in our era is not worth craving. So what if we don't have consoles to play our favorite video games. So what if we don't have computers back then to chat or do any luxurious or enjoyable things online. Yes, we don't have any of those, so what? We have taguan. We have habulan. We also have bahay-bahayan, piknik-piknikan, tumbang preso, chato, patintero, and many more playing activities that involves our physical, mental, and social development. It is very seldom nowadays to see children playing those. Maybe I can say that the elders are more caring back then than the elders today. Parents in the 80's are more responsible and fatherly, motherly figure back then than now. So how do the 80's and the 90's generation developed? As a member of that generation, I can say that we do have enjoy the fun of playing and doing social activities, developmental activities by means of outdoor games and socializing with other children. We became social creatures, sensitive and very adaptive to change. We do have experience being updated to the latest technology, but it doesn't hinder us in prioritizing our co human beings. Look, for example, more children are physically not fit for the outdoors compared to the earlier generations. We change. We change because our technology advances. That is so wrong. The right thought is that we change because we grow, in mind and body. We determine the changes, not the technology. Our children can enjoy the advancement and convenience of these present day freedom, but not at the expense of hindering them to grow and develop, and eventually depriving them of their childhood. I have a lot more stories to tell, more knowledge to share than the generation next to me. Simply because my generation were developed by people, not by machines. Anyways, upon playing the games like habulan, not only we help strengthen our and develop our body, but most important, it develops our character. It is not bad if you see your child tripped off and have some scratches. It is a learning experience as well. The ability of getting up after a fall, and smile as if nothing happen, that is courage and strength. I do not despise the modern technology that we have. It actually help develop the "textbook knowledge" of a person faster. But there are a lot of things that only experience can teach. We do have change, and we can't take back the times that passed. We can take back our childhood, we can't take back our children's childhood. But definitely a change for now and the lessons of the pass will shape a better future, a better generation.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Going Through Depression

This past few months has been very depressing for me. I've quitted a secured job for the sake of practicing my degree, but I guess if I don't have any money, I really won't succeed in business. I actually had money, but all of my savings went to medical expenses. That's why my parents thought that I really don't have any. I kept this secret because we really are not a "surviving", as they say, kind of family. Okay, not to mislead you with my topic, I'll have to end the sickness issue here. But isn't depression a sickness too? I think everybody suffers from it. The difference is some people could go through it. Some people were being devoured by it, while others survive. A little number of people used depression as a tool to succeed and be a better person. Right now, I think I'm becoming one of those, people who make depression a career and personal booster. One of my downsides, which is also a factor causing for me to be depress, is that I do not posses any natural talent. Really, I consider myself a talentless person. See, it really is depressing. But when I dig into my memory bank, I see picture of me, a talentless dude, being capable of things that I really can't do. Like for example, basketball. I really am not good but with a good mentor and hard work, I finally learn and, later, have championships. I really can't draw or design but I do have a very colorful imagination that made me draw or lay out everything that I think of. Yeah, maybe I really don't have talent, but my lack of it was complemented by my richness in qualities. Depression made me realize what I do have, instead of worrying what I is really not in my hands. It made me think of a way to use these qualities, and these depressing times, to finally have what I want to achieve. I leave my secured job but what the heck? I can still do things even if I do not have money. I have qualities. Such as me being a natural eloquent person. It made me use words to gain my creditor's confidence. I backed it up with concrete plan and fail safe measures. Everything is calculated, even the unthinkable. Good thing is that my creditor is a relative who believes in what I can do. That faith gave me strength to go through the rough times, from then till now. In times of depression, the key is to believe. Believe that if there is a problem, there's got to be a solution. Believe that it was given to you because you are the only person who can solve it. Believe that there are people still believing in you, even if there is none. Believe that there is a sunshine coming out of the rain. All you have to do is believe. Now, I'm doing well with my business, but it is too early to say that I'm out of my depression. I'm still depressed; I just look at it as a key to a great load of treasure. All I have to do... is believe.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Religiously, Scientifically True!

There are two giants that shaped history. Religion and Science. They battle for existence and bloody accounts are traced within it. It is also a reason of people's division. I have red a new novel by Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol. It is actually a novel that relates a scientific aspect of man to its divine or spiritual nature. It is quite good but for some people who reads it might end up confused. A based on true to life story movie called the Exorcism of Emily Rose is quite impressive that will leave people thinking "yeah... maybe there really are angels and demons." But what I will share to you guys are the fact that my biology teacher from my second year high school discuss to prove that both do co-exist (religion and science) and backed each other up. Here is a good example, the Creation Account. According to the Holy Bible, The world was made by God in six days and rested on the seventh. The following are the order of creation. Light, Earth, Seas and Mountains, Nature, Animal, Man. Now, Science says, in accordance to the different theories like the Bigbang, the Universe was created by an explosion thus creating the Sun, and its fragments the planets. After many years, the temperature cooled down thus creating water and land. Then organisms transform into plants, then animals and later on, with Darwin's Human Evolution theory, man. Now, these two theories (scientific and religious) have a very distinct similarity. What seems that they don't agree on is time. But let's set the facts straight. We all know that the Bible is a book of knowledge into which the knowledge is only divulge to those who are open and willingly accept these sacred things. Therefore, it is a book of mysteries and symbols. Meaning the days could be years or centuries. Again, therefore, religion and science do not contradict each other. They backed each other up. What people need to do, both religious and scientific, is to have an open mind. Do not reject what is new and you should learn from the past. It is not true that what you do not know won't hurt you. We have the responsibility to know. Ignorance is not an excuse. The question now is, that unknown maker of the single most powerful energy that starts the creation according to science may prove that there really is a God. Creation is for the divine alone.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A New Master

By this time, I'm halfway to being 28 years old. I do consider myself quite old to be childish and so young to be left behind, in love and career. My girlfriend attended her company seminar and met this young achiever, a winner in life in deed, and I believe he is younger than me. She told me how remarkable this speaker is, no dull moments, everything has a sense. She bought me two of his books, the OBVIOUS and IS THERE A JOB WAITING FOR YOU? and even signed me up for online free coaching. He is a rich guy with a humble origin, he followed, observe and learned how the rich and successful people act in their daily living. He is figuring out what is the secret of the rich on becoming rich? Like what he have observe, there is no secret. They just did what most people didn't do. For example, those rich guys do wake up early in the morning, being eager and exited to face a brand new day. Here is another, they actually didn't usually watch entertainment shows in the television. And there are a lot more things he shared. For almost 2 years now, I can say I am a fan of Robert Kiyosaki, rich guy and money guru. But encountering Mr. Lloyd Luna, although indirectly, made me more closer to learning and mastering business and financial philosophies. It became much clearer to me because I am learning from a Filipino mentor. I guess what I always say upon facing my senior critics is so true, that knowledge is not supported by age, it is supported by experiences, especially mistakes. Here is his link for you to know him and yourself more:

Monday, January 25, 2010

C5 Road Controvery

In search for the truth, especially by knowing the real personality and controversies of each presidential candidates this coming 2010 elections, one of them is being ganged up and kicked relentlessly to the ground. Senator Manny Villar and the real score about the C5 Road. For those who are in search of his answers to the accusations, kindly click on the link below courtesy of sniggishwalterdam:

The real Score

Crab Mentality

Majority knows that Crab Mentality is a way of thinking and dealing with a problem or situation by pulling other people down just to get on top. I wonder, do crabs really pull each other down upon climbing the basket from where they were all being held? Or do these fellas create a ladder of crabs so that they will all meet their common objective, to be free. I personally observe it and after awhile, not a single crab was left on the basket. That kind of mentality is projected by people alone. The capacity to back-stab and sacrifice one's colleague for his or her own personal agenda. So spare the crabs and lets call it "Scheming person's mentality". Here is a good example, a good political example, thank you Sir Cito Beltran for the enlightenment.

What We Really Waste

May 3 taong nagkasabay sabay sa deck ng isang luxury line. Sa sobrang pagkabored nila, hinagis ng American ang cellphone niya. Sabi ng pinoy "o... why did you do that?!" the American said " don't worry, we have lots of those." Then ung Japanese naman nagyabang, hinagis sa dagat ang laptop, nanghinayang na naman ang Pinoy "whoaa!!! why did you do that?!" the Japanese replied "i'm bored also, anyways we have a lot of those in our country." Biglang may dumating na Koreano, pagkakita, tinulak ng pinoy sa dagat, sabi ng americano at hapon, "HEY! Why did you do that?!" sagot ng pinoy "Im also bored, don't worry, we have lots of those in our country." Many people doesn't realize what they were throwing away, worst is they're also throwing away time and opportunities.