Thursday, January 28, 2010

Religiously, Scientifically True!

There are two giants that shaped history. Religion and Science. They battle for existence and bloody accounts are traced within it. It is also a reason of people's division. I have red a new novel by Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol. It is actually a novel that relates a scientific aspect of man to its divine or spiritual nature. It is quite good but for some people who reads it might end up confused. A based on true to life story movie called the Exorcism of Emily Rose is quite impressive that will leave people thinking "yeah... maybe there really are angels and demons." But what I will share to you guys are the fact that my biology teacher from my second year high school discuss to prove that both do co-exist (religion and science) and backed each other up. Here is a good example, the Creation Account. According to the Holy Bible, The world was made by God in six days and rested on the seventh. The following are the order of creation. Light, Earth, Seas and Mountains, Nature, Animal, Man. Now, Science says, in accordance to the different theories like the Bigbang, the Universe was created by an explosion thus creating the Sun, and its fragments the planets. After many years, the temperature cooled down thus creating water and land. Then organisms transform into plants, then animals and later on, with Darwin's Human Evolution theory, man. Now, these two theories (scientific and religious) have a very distinct similarity. What seems that they don't agree on is time. But let's set the facts straight. We all know that the Bible is a book of knowledge into which the knowledge is only divulge to those who are open and willingly accept these sacred things. Therefore, it is a book of mysteries and symbols. Meaning the days could be years or centuries. Again, therefore, religion and science do not contradict each other. They backed each other up. What people need to do, both religious and scientific, is to have an open mind. Do not reject what is new and you should learn from the past. It is not true that what you do not know won't hurt you. We have the responsibility to know. Ignorance is not an excuse. The question now is, that unknown maker of the single most powerful energy that starts the creation according to science may prove that there really is a God. Creation is for the divine alone.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Jaycee that's true. They only contend with respect to time. In my point of view, religion (Christianity)depends so much on the Revelation of God, and that is the Sacred Scripture. And this Sacred Scripture depends on God's inspiration of the human mind and soul. However, human mind (God's instrument in drafting the bible)can only reach as far as it can fully far as it can only understand... and thus, creation can only be traced back with the creative power of God; an explanation so easy to understand... where the gap of understanding should be supplied by faith! On the other hand, Science theorizes this beginning based on known natural laws, where is predictive power is undisputable. They could go as far as the beginning of the universe based on what they could observe with respect to the behaviour of matter at hand. Plausible explations could be at hand... logical enough yet they could not supply the beginning of these material component of their theories... they attribute it to a force...but for religion it is God.
