Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The First Card: Ace of Flower

"Confidence is when you care enough to send the very best and you go yourself." This phrase tells us that being able to bring out confidence, a person should give always the best effort that he can do. Confidence also comes out if you know you did something out of everything in your disposal. I have this experiences in high school when I did some projects. Honestly, I am not an academic achiever. I usually played around, having some fun. Taking obligations so lightly. Cramming back then is a habit for me. I always do a project with two weeks or more deadline at the very last minute. Most of the time, I always have a project to submit but there is always an uneasy feeling that keeps my heart pumping. I do have a project but I know for a fact that it is not good and definitely I know I can do better. It affects me when I present this project or assignment in front of the class. I know that it so stupid of me to even bother submit it. Anyways, at least I have something to submit, I might have a low score but still I have something to submit. But what I do not know that time is that it affects the way I think, the way I face anyone. It is not being poor in school, it is about me being lazy. And laziness causes a person lose confidence to himself. With that, regret will come after you next. Thinking "I should have done that" or "I am this if only I gave an extra effort". We shouldn't give an extra push, we ought give all our efforts. What can we expect in return if you give something that is less than satisfactory. Definitely everything backfires. If we do bad, we receive bad, sometimes even worst. If we give it all, if we do good, rewards could be better or the best. And most of all, confidence doesn't come from somebody. Real confidence is inherent. It always within us. It will always come out if we are ready and prepared, even in the midst of surprises. We do need somebody but we should not rely on anyone. Letting others do a responsibility given to you makes you definitely worthless. You may have been credited but we do know who really earned. It is not always about money or material gain. It should always be knowing that we learn and did it. And you can definitely justify the action taken, instead of being left alone in the air. In my college days, I definitely made a living out of advising thesis or feasibility studies. I always tell them that I am just there to guide. But most of the time, they left their work to me, they paid me so definitely, I give my effort to give the best product or case that I can produce. They always receive a high grade upon submitting the report. But they always fail in defense. They fail because they let others do their responsibilities. They fail because those things was not of their own doing. They are actually a stranger to it. They lose confidence, I earn knowledge and money. The phrase given by my first card is almost similar with the quote "Nobody can help you but yourself." Everybody can do something. All you have to do is believe in yourself. You are your first customer. Do your best and God will do the rest.

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