Monday, February 1, 2010

Wasted Again (What We Really Waste PART 2)

Recently, upon having an online social network account, I bumped into a lot of school friends, especially batchmates. Chances of knowing and being acquainted to all of your batchmates are almost near zero. You may know their name but you doesn't know who they really are. Of course, everyone is unique in their own distinct way, and what I am focusing on is the personality aspect. Some of the batchmates are snobbish, some were really friendly, and some were being friendly because they need something from you. I actually misjudge some for the reason that I haven't talked to them, or maybe because they possess a very high profile. Which I can consider a feeling of intimidation. We can't take away the fact that there is also a status quo even in a small group of students. In our batch, we have lots of group that defines status quo. Let's say, we have the honor students group which we called the psychomotor. There will always be a group of happy-go-lucky and trouble-making pupils. We can say that in a population, there is always what we called the isolated ones whom we called the "peer group". And of course, there are also students that's just as normal as anybody else. Personally, I can say I jumped from naughty to normal or vice-versa in various occassions. I do have a share of stupid but memorable experiences. The common thing with us is that we are all dynamic and achievers. Maybe that's why we are the first Jamer batch to have all of students graduated. Ok, back to what I'm gonna tell you. Since we have these status quo, I have these batchmates whom I actually not talking to, intimidated to. They seem to be too high to reach, they somewhat seem rich and super achievers. And especially, they are of the opposite gender. They're not ugly, well in fact they're gorgeous, another reason for me to be shy. The funny thing is, after years of being with them but not communicating or whatsoever, and having separated by the different colleges and fields that we took, after we re-encounter each other in the online social network, and exchanging hi's and hello's, we were talking as if we were making up for those lost moments. I don't condemn those conversation but I really just feel a bit guilty about me not being able to reach to them which led to misjudgment. It is now that I found out that they are very wonderful people, so wonderful that I should have been talking to them when we still have those times together. Right now, they are one of the stress relievers. They never cease to put a smile on me. But what else can I do now, I have wasted those everyday moments but for sure, I will not waste now until forever. I will see to it that I will fill up those empty spaces. I will also continue to look for those people who I can say, I have lost. There is no harm on being able to relate to them as long as you try. It is up to them to reject the friendship invitation that you are offering and the consequences behind these simple choices. People cannot take away the fact regardless how much they talk or do not talk at all, there will be a point into which you will miss them. Right now, I am missing them. We really are not close in our days but I am sure I am happy, so happy and thankful to have the opportunity to at least chat with them. Don't waste it.

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