Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Fourth Card: Four of Flowers

"Nothing is impossible." This is a very strong word. It is also similar to the saying "with God nothing is impossible". We are all His creation, like a Father to His children, so definitely we also have this distinct capability to do things that are quite "un-do-able". The sad truth is, most people can do incredible acts, like a small lady carrying a huge refrigerator, just in the moments of hopelessness. It is kicked by the instinct to survive. So definitely, man is really capable of doing things that are beyond his imagination. I did not say capacity because we are the most "able" being. The most able thing that we are capable of is what we call being pessimist. That is what hinders us in doing the unthinkable. It is not actually a bad thing looking at the negative aspect of any problem, it makes a person aware and develop a fail safe plan just in case. What makes it wrong is the person who was affected and terrorized of the thought of failure. Instead of being helpless and self pitying, why not face the problem and do something about it. Whatever happens, you are in a winning situation. Most of all, you will learn something, that makes you a very knowledgeable and experience person. If ever you or someone you know encounters the same or related problem, solution is most possible for you. Nothing is impossible, all you have to do is start working on it.

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