Monday, February 22, 2010

The Queen of Flowers

Who doesn't want to be rich? Everybody wants it. But the problem is, many people who has been given the opportunity to have their life prosper for the duration of their existence doesn't always have their "happy endings". Like for example, how many lotto winners have been able to grow or even keep their prize money? Most of them have experience a five or even two years luxurious life but later ended up to the same situation before they have the huge amount of money, or even worst. Another situation, a graduate student to ending up being employed in a work very different from what he had learned, or possibly not encountered at all. These situations define people the destiny of a person. "Success doesn't depend , only upon being at the right place at the right time, it depends upon being ready." It is true that opportunity knocks once, or maybe there's also a second chance, but the matter of handling those lucrative gifts are so crucial in which it will affect the rest of your life. For a student, being able to equip themselves during college, having a passing or even a high grade doesn't mean you are ready to face the corporate world. The question is are you prepared to face the unthinkable? Like, say, being unemployed?It is always a possibility but there is almost a little number of graduates who have succeeded in this situations. Tragedies happen when you do nothing. Opportunity only shows the way to success, it is still up to the person to make success happen. I myself have been gifted the opportunity to be unemployed. It gave me time to learn things that was totally different from what I have learned in school. It also gave me the direction into which path to success I must take. It strengthens my present and defines my future. And when the opportunity showed itself, I grab and worked on it immediately. Now I can say I have a business of my own, still small but it will eventually grow. I am much closer to my goal. Because I prepared myself to the unthinkable. I am ready to be successful. Are you ready too?

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