Friday, March 19, 2010

Eight of Hearts

There are three things that are important for you to be successful. Let's make baseball as an example. We do know that after the batter hits the ball, the catcher should go to the right place where the ball will fall and catch it exactly at the right moment. Then he pitches it back to whomever should catch it. "BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME IS IMPORTANT BUT YOU MUST KNOW WHAT TO DO WHILE YOU ARE THERE."
The reminder is very applicable for the graduating students. First, they go to college after some years in primary and secondary school. They will chose what course that will defines their future jobs. Some took their time, some tried to graduate in the fastest possible time, while others overstayed. Now, when the graduation time has come, they will finally receive their diplomas and degrees , after that, they will seek employment. The question is, how many of these graduates knows what to do once they were hired? They're sure that there is a training for them, but afterwards, will they know what to do once something went wrong? Like having no training at all? Like landing into a job different from the course they have taken in college? Or worst, how about being unemployed?
The reminder is also applicable to those who tried so hard to fall in line and "invest" some money just to win the lottery. Like in my previous blogs, I have stated that most Lotto Winners end up in the same situation, if not worst, as they were before winning the prize money. They usually spend it and mismanage the usage. Some allocate it to a business that is not actually profitable or a business that they really don't know how to operate. Some just put it in a bank thinking that it will grow there eventually. But the interest gained from the time deposit usually not that much for a person who spends a lot. Really, some ended up broke.
A person being granted a loan to open a business will end up in debt and unable to pay his obligation if he didn't have the proper study and even an extent training into what he wanted to do with the money.
Success depends if you are in the right place at the right time, and most of all if you are ready to take the opportunity that has presented to you. Being sure that you are qualified before the opportunity came is a must to determine the survival and the triumph of any of your endeavor. Opportunities are like lightning, they will struck without a warning and they will just leave a trace either mark of triumph or a sign of defeat. So while you are waiting for "your defining moment", be sure that you checked everything, strengthen your right to have it, qualify yourself by either studying more or gaining more credentials, and know what to do once you have it.

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