Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Queen of Hearts

This I think all of you, men, will agree with me. This quote from my Queen of Hearts is mostly applicable to women. "MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT BUT THEY'RE PRETTY SURE THEY HAVEN'T GOT IT." I'm just kidding when I say that this is mostly applicable to women because actually not all women were like that and not all men are not like that. Actually, nowadays, I can see women more empowered than men. I don't know what's happening or is there any change of tides but most ladies nowadays were pretty much sure what they want with their life and their family's future and they risk everything just to achieve it. While I can see some of my co-gender just waiting for things to happen.
Okay, let's cut the chase, I for one, used to be thinking that I feel incomplete that's why I keep on looking and asking or working for something so I may have it. Most of the times, I will ask or seek or work again because I want something else or another. We people are really can't be satisfied. Some will say that they are already contented with their lives maybe because they have already achieve their meaning and realize the reason of their existence or they are just bluffing. It is better to be the first one that I mentioned than the latter. There is no wrong when achieving something, as long as you get it or work for it in a very honorable manner. Everybody should know what they want to do with their lives or else you will end up driving yourself to work so hard that you and later ended up in the wrong destination. It is the usual cause of unhappiness or emptiness or both. The issue here is to know yourself that will enable you to see what is your purpose or what is it that you are wanting. With that, you can plot your towards attaining your goal. It is not wrong to always seek for the best. Just always remember, what is best for others may not be best for you. You are your own man and you have your own destiny to build. Be contented only if you give your best shot. Always aim for a higher standard. And know when to stop. Getting things that have no meaning to you is the same as stealing from others that may have use to it.

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