Saturday, March 27, 2010

Three of Spades

Stress is a natural feeling nowadays. I can't clearly point out what or even who is responsible for having stress. The most definite answer that I can say is that a person having a problem also experience stress. But not everybody who has problem has stress. Maybe some people know how to handle problems, or even stress. The root of the stress tree is definitely problems. This tree produces various fruits like mental illness, physical exhaustion, and many others. I also think that majority of warlords or warfreaks experiences stress for a long time and still harbors it. These are people with a lot of fear that keeps on haunting them. They just let the fear grow deep inside them until it engulfs their whole being. See, having stress has a tomato effect. A rotten tomato put in a basket of fresh tomatoes affects and rottens the rest. Same with a stressful person put in a peaceful working community will most likely affects the entire workplace.
The truth is, there is nothing that will stop stress from happening unless we do something about ourselves. We cannot stop problems from happening, but we can change the way we handle them. First of all, never do the usual mistakes that people is do. Never run away from problems. Face them. Because every problem has its own solution. The way of solving it maybe hard but there is always a better way to do them. Also, never point the problem given to you to anybody else. It is given to you because you are the right person to best solve it. Sometimes, we do not have to solve the problem because it can be solve by time itself. If we cannot let others solve our problems for us, definitely, there are times that we cannot solve the problem if the problem is not addressed to us. Case ownership. The problems will definitely be solved if we do something about it. So therefore we should not let dilemmas affect us and also others. We control them, not the other way around. If we were pressure and stressed out, it is definitely our choice. We have the choice to face it in a positive way. They are actually stepping stones for us to better ourselves. A reminder from the Three of Spades: THE BEST WAY OUT OF A DIFFICULTY IS THROUGH IT.

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