Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Five of Hearts

"Eto lang ang kaya kong pasuking trabaho, kailangang mabuhay kahit kapit sa patalim. (This is the only work that I can do, I need to live even if my safety is at risk.)" This is the usual answer of any prostitutes, swindlers, hold-upper, and even drug pushers. Most of them blame their situation on their parents' inability to give them education and their poor way of living was blamed, on the other hand, on the government. Ask them if they have done something for them to prevent their current situation. They will tell you that how can they do much with their lives if they only have little means to live. Then they will again blame it to someone else. It is seldom that they take the blame on themselves. So that's why they ended up being who they are and doing what they do.
Actually, this life is very simple. If you have nothing then you will have to find a way to get it, the right way. If your parents can't afford ti send you to a school, you have the obligation to yourself to do so. If you say that your family needs you to earn money for them, there are lots of ways to earn money. We all do have an equal blessing of 24 hours a day, let's say work for eight hours, study for 8 hours, then give 2 hours for any miscellaneous loads like taking a bath or travel time, then six hours for you to sleep. If there is a need for a person to work more tha two jobs, then at least allot even just four hours of studying. I give much emphasis to education because believe me, diplomas are the key towards successful future while knowledge learned from experiences and failures are the force to put the key on the keyhole and twist it to open the door of success. At least, little by little you are gaining your education, reducing your loads and even educating yourself about the outside world. Yup, easier said than done but hey, you are not the only one that have challenges to face. We all do have the same equal challenges, it just differs on the person's capacity to solve it. I believe God will give a challenge to a person because he is the best to solve it. Most of the time, these problems are caused by the person itself. It is always an opportunity to rise. Now, if you really have to earn, you can even work as a messenger, service crew, sales rep, or even a call center agent. Again, we have twenty four hours at our disposal. Like now, I do work as a freelance events organizer and boss to my corporate giveaways business. Then I still do learn things even if they were just making tocino or longanisa. Right now, I am trying to learn to speak nihongo, adobe illustrator, and realty brokerage. Another thing that I have learned, how can you be a rich person if you are not qualify to be one? I make sure that I learn always and have another qualification under my belt. There is always a better way to be better. It is a matter of managing your time and yourself. I am not rich. I just chose to do what is best. And what is best is to do what is right. Instead of being a drug pusher, why not sell kakanin, kanin and ulam, or anything good or useful. Who knows, that lutong ulam delivery may later become a carinderia, and even more? Instead of prostitution, why not be a tutor to a younger student? Why not be a student assistant? Or service crew? There is always a better way to do things. You do not have to damn yourself. The success and failure of a person depends on the person itself. No one to blame except for yourself. The lesson here from the card is always "THINK! THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY."
For businessmen, there is always a better way than closing your firm or just quitting. There is always an option called success, right? Again easier said than done, but still doable. Think, there is always a better way.

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