Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Three of Hearts

We know that people has their own unique way of facing a certain task or responsibility. To make more simple, let's just classify them in to two: the runner and the doer. The runner, just like the name suggested, tend to stay away or drop any obligations and responsibilities tasked to him. This person is either has no self confidence or just doesn't care much on himself. Some are just afraid of failure. Others are just simply contented into what he was doing or his current situation. Indeed, the burden of the responsibilities are lifted from this type of person. He will never feel its weight because he just dropped it. The problem is that he also dropped the opportunities that defines his future. He will be stuck in his situation, or worst, he may be dragged down to the point of having a very dark and heavy future. A life of hopelessness. He limits his responsibilities, he also limits himself, and deteriorates his potential. I bet no one would like to be the worst person in the planet.
The doer, on the other hand, is a person who completes jobs, and fulfills responsibilities. Some responsibilities that may have no relation to what he is doing right now, if he accepts it, it may help him solve any future problem, and even further his qualification. Aside from doing what he is tasked to do, he even gives extra effort with extra assertiveness to exceed his limitations. He do learn more. Learning gives wisdom, and wisdom is the core of knowledge. It is another secret of being successful, the ability to know. This person grabs any opportunities that he saw along the way. With that, he also obtain things that will strengthen his credentials. Learning is constant. He will not only have a job, but he will also not work. He will earn or just gain something while enjoying. That is why successful people has a deep perspective and outlook in life. They are always up to the challenge. They even seek challenge. That is why success seeks them.
An advise given by the Three of Hearts: GO THE DISTANCE. WHEN YOU ACCEPT A TASK, FINISH IT.

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