Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Six of Hearts

Why does suicide considered one of the mortal sin against God? There are a lot of stories about suicide. Judas Iscariot, for one, would've been one of the greatest saints if he didn't commit suicide. Maybe some people will think that it is the best thing that he had done since he had betrayed our Lord Jesus. See, he is not only the one who had betrayed our Lord, Simon Peter have renounce his affiliation with Jesus three times, majority of the apostles gone to hiding knowing that their Master is being persecuted, and on the later part even St. Paul persecuted and lead the early Christian to their death. But why and how did they become the great saints that they are now? Peter, the "Rock", into whom the Lord has built His church as His foundation, left the keys to heaven, do reject the Lord but later conquer his fear, stood up, and continue his Master's tasked of spreading the Good News and building God's Kingdom. The same happened to the others aside from Judas. Saul was Paul's former name. The Lord change it because Paul has realized his mistakes, faced the consequences and challenges, and become the one of Christianity's protector and teacher. They all became great men, aside again from Judas Iscariot. See, upon committing suicide, a person does not only take away his life but also taking away what God has just lend us. Judas would've been one of the greatest apostle because if he didn't betrayed our Lord, the Salvation process will be incomplete. Since he killed himself, definitely, he wouldn't have taken the glorious task that was supposed to be performed by him later on. So definitely, our lives is not ours alone. The Lord is our co-owner. He gave us that. It is a living part of Him that was being violated upon committing such hideous act. A person that has done that has also killed the Lord. Those people will never achieve greatness. For the Lord is great, and so are His people.
Another story is about the struggle of the crowd favorite franchise in the Philippine Basketball in the 80's and 90's, the Ginebra San Miguel. they are known to be crowd favorite because they have a local basketball icon with them, Sonny Jowerski. Yup, that team do sucked for a while but after years of dedication and commitment, the rise into greatness, they became contenders, and later, champions. They are a group of benchwarmers from other teams, an unknown or not celebrated rookies or players, but with their passion and love for the game, these underdogs has become a powerful conquerors. Again they too never quit. What they were known for, a team with a "No Guts, No Glory" virtue and a "Never Say Die Attitude".
Everybody has moments of failures and defeats. But not everybody has the attitude of standing up and learning from it. The great people that we know today are not winners since birth. They chose the path a winner usually take. And it is not an easy way out kind of path. Usually they are people who were defeated but never conquered. They are the people who takes responsibilities towards their failures. They learn. They never stop fighting for what they want and what they need in life. They do became afraid and conquered their fears. They are people who took their self doubt away by reinforcing themselves. They are true inside out. because they know WE ARE NOT FINISHED WHEN WE ARE DEFEATED, WE ARE FINISHED WHEN WE QUIT.


  1. suicide is a mortal sin because it is a faithless act of self-murder that does not afford an opportunity to repent. It is more then quitting on yourself. It's quitting on God. It isn't something the Holy Spirit would lead someone to do and if you are not lead by the Holy Spirit, you are not one of God's children. Simple. Of course this is different then diving on a grenade to save the life of your friends, or suffering the cross for all who will believe.

    1. Amen to that. We are all God's children, sad thing is most people doesn't live by it. Thank you Mark.
