Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nine of Hearts

My girlfriend works as a marketing officer in a large real estate firm. Being a marketeer, some of her duties are promotion and events. You know what, I used to help her develop her event concepts and her programme. She always tells me that she is not that creative and that causes her to always seek my assistance. Actually, I don't mind and to be honest, I really do love helping her out in her responsibilities. In her company, there is always a need to have this weekly event and at times, there are also other special events added in a week. That is true, it will squeeze every bit of idea that your mind can produce. I always told her that everybody is creative, it is just that some people limit themselves, hinders their imagination work for them. Maybe because they are discourage with what others may think of their idea or they really don't trust themselves that much. You know what, my girlfriend felt that she was becoming too dependent to me regarding events conceptualization. I just realize that she is not seeking my help with that matter. She just give her guts towards presentation and viola! She has produced a very good concept, a very good programme and a very good script. All she needed to do is just do her job. "What the heck, they hired me for this." Her supervisor was surprised when their boss applaud her wild idea. See, she has it, everybody has it, the only thing to do is to present it. We are all creation of God's imagination. We became real because God make us real. It is always our initiative. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, so use it. Bottomline is "CREATIVITY IS SIMPLY YOUR WILLINGNESS TO TAKE A STEP BEYOND."

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